W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 51
etCHed iMAGes iNC.
We help wineries sell more wine
napa, calif.
p: (707) 252-5450 F: (707) 252-2666
W: etchedimages.com
e: sales@etchedimages.com
What's new: "like" the etched images
Facebook page at facebook.com/etchedima-
gesinc for weekly postings of incredible
hand-etched and painted wine bottles.
C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS
euro-MACHiNes iNC.
quality and service you can trust
Fairfield, calif.
p: (707) 864-5800 F: (707) 864-5879
W: euromachinesusa.com
e: info@euromachinesusa.com
What's new: romfil cross-flow filters. with
a compact design that ensures optimum ef-
ficiency, rF 1 is an economical solution for
small companies. rF 2 and 3 have a mono-
chrome touch panel, pre-filter, protection
against dry running, high/low pressure pro-
tection, programmable and automatic gas
pressure back flushing (co
, n
or air).
C: vineyard eQuipment • winery
voAk (oAk solutioNs Group)
Forward-thinking oak products
napa, calif.
p: (707) 259-4988 F: (707) 294-6363
W: oaksolutionsgroup.com
e: info@oaksolutionsgroup.com
What's new: e
voak expanded its cuvée
Series–cuvée no. 1 and cuvée no. 2 oak
chips are now available. cuvée no. 1 focus-
es on macaroon flavor accented by toasted
coconut, phyllo dough aromas, almond
biscotti and toasted almonds with a taste of
honeysuckle. meanwhile, cuvée no. 2 offers
impressions of toasted marshmallow, vanilla
crème, crème brûlée and nougat.
C: cooperaGe
FMd ArCHiteCts
Finally, you have an architect that listens
Fairlawn, ohio
p: (330) 836-2343 F: (330) 836-7359
W: fmdarchitects.com
e: info@fmdarchitects.com
What's new: Grain and vine design is
Fmd's new wine studio. on aug. 12, Fmd
hosted a winery design seminar in new
york's Finger lakes region. Follow Fmd ar-
chitects on twitter, Google+, linkedin,
Facebook and Fmd online for current and
upcoming events, project status and indus-
try news.
C: FacilitieS & conStruction
Ft systeM NortH AMeriCA
inspection and control systems
pembroke, mass.
p: (781) 367-3884
W: ftsystem.com
e: richard.reardon@ftsystem.com
What's new: the l.Sensor co
/o2 labora-
tory inspection system is a non-contact,
non-invasive method of measuring co
or o
content in filled and sealed wine bot-
tles. the l.Sensor uses Ft System propri-
etary laser spectroscopy technology to
analyze gas content. no dots or probes are
required to perform the test.
C: winery eQuipment
FAiNer CoNsultiNG
Compliance strategies and services
for the alcohol industry
Goleta, calif.
p: (805) 965-0688
W: fainerconsulting.com
e: lea@fainerconsulting.com
What's new: a new option for winery licens-
ing, reporting and compliance consulting.
Services customized to your business needs
and budget.
C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS
revolutionizing the ease and enjoyment
of homebrewing and winemaking
toronto, on, canada
p: (800) 549-5763
W: thefastrack.ca
e: info@thefastrack.ca
What's new: Fastrack hired Jes dean to
expand its team. Fastrack launched Fast-
Ferment, a 7-gallon conical fermentor with
accessories including extra collection balls
for yeast harvesting, stands, carrying straps
and more. the website is fastferment.com.
C: packaGinG • SaFety & maintenance
• taStinG roomS • winery eQuipment •
winery SupplieS
innovating in yeast and yeast products
milwaukee, wis.
p: (800) 558-7279 F: (414) 615-4003
W: fermentis.com
e: fermentis@lesaffre.fr
What's new: new products: viniliquid, the
first liquid yeast autolysate rich in nutriels
to ensure alcoholic fermentation completion.
C: winery SupplieS
FiBeroptiC liGHtiNG
simply beautiful. simply brilliant.
simply Fls
clearwater, Fla.
p: (727) 541-6780 F: (727) 541-6721
W: flslighting.com
e: sales@flslighting.com
What's new: FlS lighting systems utilize a
variety of glass fiber materials, proprietary
manufacturing processes and fixtures to pro-
duce a stronger, clearer light. Glass fiber
cables prohibit aging, melting and distorted
colors while providing the flexibility needed
for tight bends. this year FlS has been
backlighting onyx for bars, reception desks,
countertops and fireplaces.
C: taStinG roomS
2014 supplier Guide