Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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52 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 FiNe NortHerN oAk the best of American oak napa, calif. p: (707) 307-6222 F: (707) 252-0319 W: e: What's new: cody ewers is the new califor- nia account manager at Fine northern oak. Before joining Fine northern oak, ewers sold agricultural supplies to northern cali- fornia grapegrowers. ewers gained winemak- ing experience while working with hunnicutt winery, robert Sinskey vineyards and Girard winery and produces wine under his own label, preamble wines. C: cooperaGe FiNGer lAkes trellis supply innovative vineyard and orchard products williamson, n.y. p: (315) 904-4007 F: (315) 904-4009 W: e: What's new: we source quality-made prod- ucts, everything you need to get your trellis up and running, and we provide advice on how to install a strong and long lasting sys- tem. contact us for more info about trellis- ing, posts, wire and tensioners, tying materials, deer fence/wildlife control and installation equipment sales and rentals. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard SupplieS FlAMe eNGiNeeriNG iNC. the all-American torch line lacrosse, kan. p: (888) 388-6724 F: (785) 222-3619 W: e: What's new: the red dragon agricultural Flamer is now uSda approved for organic growers. kill unwanted weeds and grasses, and break down old growth safely and effec- tively without chemicals. C: vineyard eQuipment FoGMAster Corp. We make the foggers that make your life easier deerfield Beach, Fla. p: (954) 481-9975 F: (954) 480-8563 W: e: What's new: Solid state relative humidity (rh) controller. See the new website at fog- for more application and prod- uct support information. C: SaFety & maintenance • vineyard eQuipment • winery eQuipment FolsoM + AssoCiAtes Wine, food and lifestyle public relations San Francisco, calif. p: (415) 978-9909 F: (415) 989-2688 W: e: What's new: Folsom + associates has a new staff and a new location at 44 montgomery St., Ste. 3710 in San Francisco, calif. C: SaleS & marketinG FrANke BeverAGe systeMs quality packaging for quality products la vergne, tenn. p: (615) 462-4334 F: (615) 462-4734 W: e: What's new: Free embossing for all wine kegs. C: cooperaGe • packaGinG • taStinG roomS FreeruN WiNery serviCes your production, packaging and logistics partner healdsburg, calif. p: (707) 395-0382 F: (707) 395-0386 W: e: What's new: Freerun now assists custom- ers with longer term supply planning and works with top brokers to assist with grape sourcing and contracting. Full grape to bot- tle services are now offered in addition to consulting winemakers. Freerun also man- ages import bulk to bottle projects, improv- ing landed costs and providing advantageous environmental/lower carbon footprint options for import brands. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • packaGinG • warehouSinG / ShippinG • winery ServiceS G G3 eNterprises quality solutions backed by five decades of experience modesto, calif. p: (800) 321-8747 F: (209) 341-1929 W: e: What's new: introducing G ink thermochro- mic and bichromic ink technology for screw- caps and labels. G ink turns every wine bottle into an interactive brand experience. G3 continues to invest in equipment and capability. an upgrade to its cork room re- sulted in doubled printing and coating ca- pacity. a new high-tech cork coater was installed, replacing multi-head printers with single-head printers and improving print quality. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS • vine- yard eQuipment • warehouSinG / ShippinG • winery eQuipment • win- ery ServiceS GeA tuCHeNHAGeN engineering for a better world portland, maine p: (207) 797-9500 F: (207) 878-7914 W: e: What's new: Gea Breconcherry cleaners reduce production downtime, waste disposal costs, and water and detergent consumption. cleaners are ateX-exempt and Fda-compli- ant. clean tanks up to 40 feet in diameter with the cyclone, or up to 52 feet in diam- eter with the twister. the tornado 4 cleans tanks up to 108 feet in diameter. C: winery eQuipment GAMAJet (AlFA lAvAl Group) Winemaking is your art; tank and barrel cleaning is ours exton, pa. p: (610) 408-9940 F: (610) 408-9945 W: e: What's new: Gamajet's hd Barrel Blaster combines high impact cleaning and conve- nience with outstanding durability. attached to a bi-pod mount for easy cleaning in place and controlled water flow, the hd Barrel Blaster cleans tartrates and other debris in only 8 to 12 minutes using the least amount of water and pressure. C: cooperaGe • SaFety & mainte- nance • winery eQuipment GloBAl pACkAGe llC international glass and packaging solutions napa, calif. p: (707) 224-5670 F: (707) 224-8170 W: e: What's new: Global package welcomes you to the new website at hunter harris joins Global package as the california representative. harris brings five years experience in wine production and sales. as the need for specialty elegant bot- tles grew, Global package added more euro- pean glass to its inventory and four new bottles to the elegant light spirits line. C: packaGinG GoMBerG, FredriksoN & AssoCiAtes (WiNe iNdustry CoNsultANts) America's oldest consulting firm specializing in wine industry matters woodside, calif. p: (650) 851-6090 F: (650) 745-7086 W: e: What's new: published the Gomberg- Fredrikson 2014 First Half Review. it covers the latest u.S. wine industry business trends and developments through June 2014. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • puBlicationS • SaleS & marketinG GorillA sHipper the safe and green way to ship wine duluth, Ga. p: (866) 447-4737 F: (770) 622-6545 W: e: What's new: molded pulp wine shippers. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS GoverNMeNt liAisoN serviCes iNC. serving world industry since 1957 arlington, va. p: (703) 524-8200 F: (703) 525-8451 W: e: What's new: Government liaison Services is now submitting labels and formulas elec- tronically through colas and Formulas online. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • packaGinG • winery ServiceS GoWAN Co. the go to company yuma, ariz. p: (928) 783-8844 F: (928) 343-9255 W: e: What's new: affiance, eminent, mettle, Badge Sc and Badge X2 crop protection products. C: vineyard SupplieS GrAvoteCH iNC. designer and manufacturer of permanent marking solutions for the industry duluth, Ga. p: (770) 495-3676 F: (770) 495-3676 W: e: What's new: Gravograph's m40deepvice is a compact and versatile computerized en- graving system optimized for engraving glass, crystal, plastic and stainless steel. the m40dv cylindrical capability makes it well suited for engraving and personalizing wine bottles and wine glasses. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment GreAt eNGiNeeriNG With a worldwide reputation for reliability and capability port melbourne, vic, australia p: +61 3964 68688 F: +61 3964 63144 W: e: What's new: the Benchmate+ small con- tainer adapter and top roller assembly can label bottles from 15mm to 200mm in di- ameter, allowing you to label different sizes of containers without changing the setup. no set up requirements needed for clear la- bels on clear label stock and light plastic bottles are easily labeled. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment Search online for suppliers at winesandvines 2014 supplier Guide

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