Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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50 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 lees, but provides clean, high-quality juice from floated solids and extract-quality juice from cold, settled lees. C: winery eQuipment deMptos NApA CooperAGe Age-old craftsmanship and state-of-the-art techniques napa, calif. p: (707) 257-2628 F: (707) 257-1622 W: e: What's new: demptos napa cooperage is pleased to welcome mike Jackson to the sales team. Jackson is responsible for work- ing with small- and medium-sized wineries in the greater napa valley. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS tHe desiGN FACtory designers and manufacturers of custom signage and display cases Spokane valley, wash. p: (509) 255-5355 W: e: What's new: the design Factory completed a hand carved sign for Sagemore vineyard in pasco, wash. and wine display cabinetry for waddell's restaurant in Spokane, wash. C: packaGinG diAM Closures usA the guardian of aromas modesto, calif. p: (800) 321-8747 F: (209) 341-1929 W: e: What's new: developed for high-end wines, diam 30 has one of the lowest permeability rates of any closure. its manufacturing pro- cess guarantees consistency from closure to closure, assuring a slow, consistent aging process. diam is also expanding the new diamant 3 production facility, a 30 million euro investment to increase cork production capacity up to 2 billion. C: packaGinG dispeNsA-MAtiC lABel dispeNsers the original Bottle-Matic labeler/ applicator rocky mount, mo. p: (800) 325-7303 F: (573) 392-1757 W: e: What's new: the Bottle-matic is now avail- able with an optional bottle-detector for only $125. C: packaGinG dolAN WiNe BusiNess CoNsultiNG tailored sales strategies and marketing techniques for boutique wineries healdsburg, calif. p: (707) 332-4805 W: e: What's new: let dolan take care of the ad- ministrative hiring for your next tasting room manager, wine club or event manager. dolan will design an advertisement to meet your needs, pre-screen all incoming resumes, han- dle initial phone interviews and bring you the top five candidates to best fit your business. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS duArte Nursery iNC. the largest permanent crops nursery in the u.s. hughson, calif. p: (209) 531-0351 F: (209) 531-0352 W: e: What's new: the tall pot benchgraft is a great option for growers seeking april and may delivery. vines can be custom grafted and delivered in early spring for maximum first-year establishment. C: vineyard SupplieS e ets lABorAtories Analytical services for the beverage industries St. helena, calif. p: (707) 963-4806 F: (707) 963-1054 W: e: What's new: etS offered extended hours and weekend service during harvest, free courier service and 24-hour sample drop- boxes. visit for the full range of analytical tools for harvest. C: vineyard ServiceS • winery Ser- viceS eArtH & turF produCts llC America's compact topdresser company. simple, well-built products new holland, pa. p: (717) 355-2276 F: (717) 355-2879 W: e: What's new: Snow plows for compact trac- tor loaders, with bucket clamp-on, universal quick attach or new euro hitch and mounts for specific John deere and kubota loaders. design features include 30° left and right angling, protective spring trip for light grad- ing, bolt-on, replaceable edges or optional skid-steer universal quick attach in lieu of clamp-on. C: vineyard eQuipment eAsterN WiNery eXpositioN c/o quAlity eveNt MANAGeMeNt the eastern trade show and conference for wineries and growers warwick, r.i. p: (401) 885-8788 W: e: What's new: after three very successful years in lancaster, pa., the eastern winery exposition trade show and conference is moving to the oncenter in Syracuse, n.y., and will be held march 17-19. C: aSSociationS & education eGreeN-tek iNC. Wine packaging the green way Buford, Ga. p: (678) 318-3688 F: (678) 840-7680 W: e: What's new: wine shippers with six- and 12-pack molded pulp trays for 750ml bot- tles. the wine shippers are sold in wholesale lots at a discounted price, and the boxes are available at a very attractive price. please call (678) 318-3688 or shop online at C: packaGinG eleCtro-steAM GeNerAtor Corp. High quality steam at the flick of a switch rancocas, n.J. p: (866) 617-0764 F: (609) 288-9078 W: e: What's new: the SwaSh standard portable steam generator and all small stationary steam generators are now available with op- tional dual pressure controls for convenient switch over from low to high pressure. C: cooperaGe • SaFety & mainte- nance • winery eQuipment elite lABel By GM NAMeplAte A family of label experts you can rely on San Jose, calif. p: (408) 761-2142 F: (408) 435-8121 W: e: What's new: elite opaque—protect your brand and image with a label solution that stands up to the elements. elite opaque was developed to prevent soggy, bubbling and lifting labels that become translucent after sitting in an ice bucket. your label should look as good coming out of the ice bucket as it does going in. C: packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS eMMeti usA Handling reverse tapered and geometrically challenged bottles for decades tampa, Fla. p: (814) 466-2183 W: e: What's new: a proven automated process for bulk depalletizing and case depalletizing on one machine. emmeti's unique combina- tion depalletizer can handle bulk or cased products, handling different product loads with a smaller footprint than traditional sep- arate solutions. receive bulk glass and high- end bottles in reshippers with the flexibility to buy what you want, when you want. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment eNArtis viNquiry Blending innovative technology with unparalleled service windsor, calif. p: (707) 838-6312 F: (707) 838-1765 W: e: What's new: monitoring Brettanomyces population is critical, as it produces volatile compounds detrimental to wine quality. veri- flow Brett, a new methodology designed for wineries of all sizes, allows the determina- tion of contamination levels in only four hours using real-time pcr. enartis Stab mi- cro is a selective fining agent that effectively eliminates Brettanomyces and other micro- organisms from wine. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment • winery ServiceS • winery SupplieS eNCore GlAss the quality you expect, the service you deserve Fairfield, calif. p: (707) 745-4444 F: (707) 748-4444 W: e: What's new: encore Glass has a new cen- tralized location in Fairfield, calif. the Featherweight collection, weighing only 400g, is now offered by encore. cost-effec- tive high-quality asian printed cartons are also available. C: packaGinG eNoplAstiC usA Global strength and skill, local service and expertise Fairfield, calif. p: (707) 207-7904 F: (707) 425-3586 W: e: What's new: enoplastic uSa, formerly c&e capsules, has changed its name to enhance and reflect its global strength and resources under one umbrella, enoplastic Group. Same great quality, service and expertise with added capacity worldwide and manu- facturing facilities in the u.S., italy, Spain, new Zealand and australia. C: packaGinG eNviroNMeNtAl leverAGe iNC. turning environmental liabilities into leverage north aurora, ill. p: (630) 906-9791 F: (630) 906-9792 W: e: What's new: microclear Bionite, used for odor control and biological organic degrada- tion, contains a proprietary blend of micro- organisms, micro/macronutrients, alternate oxygen sources and surface tension suppres- sants/penetrants. microclear microchill, de- signed for biological organic degradation with cold weather applications, contains a proprietary blend of psychrophilic microor- ganisms with the ability to grow at 4°c and below. C: FacilitieS & conStruction Search online for suppliers at winesandvines 2014 supplier Guide

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