Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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46 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 BriCk pACkAGiNG Corp. iNC. our package is the partner to your product traverse city, mich. p: (866) 770-7600 F: (231) 947-4962 W: e: What's new: new representative for vetreria etrusca glass bottles and jars for oil, wine, vinegar, sparkling wine, beer, spirits and food products. creativity and respect are the basis of the vetreria etrusca production phi- losophy. vetreria etrusca cares about the environment, eco-compatibility and the sus- tainable growth of its production structures. C: cooperaGe • packaGinG • taStinG roomS BrittoN desiGN distinctive wine packaging that informs, enhances and excites Sonoma, calif. p: (707) 938-8378 W: e: What's new: Britton design and Sam J. Se- bastiani collaborated on the design of a new wine brand, la chertosa old world wines. Britton designed a brochure featuring the new labels and the history of the Sebastiani family dating back to 1338, as well as the la chertosa website at C: packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS BroWN-Miller CoMMuNiCAtioNs iNC. delivering change that matters martinez, calif. p: (925) 370-9777 F: (925) 370-9811 W: e: What's new: Bmc continues to reinvent it- self and keep up with the latest in social media, new technology and market trends. C: SaleS & marketinG BruNi GlAss pACkAGiNG your product, our shape Fairfield, calif. p: (707) 752-6200 F: (707) 752-6201 W: e: What's new: Bruni Glass packaging consoli- dated into one larger facility in Fairfield, calif. the new location has a 1,500-square- foot showroom and meeting space, and dis- plays a wide range of products to assist clients in packaging design. Bruni Glass manufactures and distributes glass contain- ers for food, wine, spirits, pharmaceutical products and related accessories, closures and packaging solutions. C: packaGinG Introducing our Volclay® Bentonite clarif ication and purif ication products. • KNK: Krystal Klear • KNK: Food grade Extensively used to prevent cloudiness while removing heat-sensitive proteins. 847-476-0769 Used by the world's leading wine makers! Cloudiness removal performance WineGlass-greyscale-1 1 11/14/12 9:27 PM BuCHer vAsliN NortH AMeriCA your success is our priority Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 823-2883 F: (707) 535-0581 W: e: What's new: Bucher vaslin installed the first Bucher 750 hl press in the california central valley for the 2014 harvest. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment BudWood BrANd desiGN Create, transform, grow philadelphia, pa. p: (267) 408-5769 W: e: What's new: Budwood Brand design pro- vides tailored print and/or digital design- driven marketing solutions for your tasting room and wine club. whether it's refreshed marketing materials or a full brand make- over, we can develop unique solutions to fit your needs. take your brand to the next level and build on your successes. C: it SolutionS • packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS Burkert Fluid CoNtrol systeMs A true partner in providing solutions to the wine industry charlotte, n.c. p: (800) 325-1405 F: (949) 223-3198 W: e: What's new: Burkert offers modular valve bodies for customer specific solutions. the modular block systems for the 2000 inoX, element and classic valve types open up new possibilities for individual valve solu- tions. the compact and robust valve bodies require less installation space and no con- necting elements, unlike leak-prone con- necting pipe-based solutions. C: vineyard eQuipment • winery eQuipment Burr pilGer MAyer (BpM) CpA's who make a difference Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 544-4078 F: (707) 544-2190 W: e: What's new: Bpm opened a new office at 1432 main St. in St. helena, calif., to serve its growing napa valley client base. Bpm offers clients the best of both worlds, com- bining the resources and sophistication of a big firm with the agility, personal service and community engagement of a small firm. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • it SolutionS c CdA usA iNC. designing, engineering, selling and servicing high-quality labeling machines richmond, va. p: (804) 647-1348 F: (804) 422-9366 W: e: What's new: cda uSa inc. now has semi- automatic labelers, automatic labelers and capsulers in stock. local wine industry dis- tributors are available in the northwest, midwest and northeast. C: winery eQuipment CF NApA BrANd desiGN Maximizing roi: return on innovation napa, calif. p: (707) 265-1891 F: (707) 265-1899 W: e: What's new: with expanded offerings in brand story development, dtc websites and marketing materials, cF napa continues to lead the wine industry in brand strategy and design. our unique dna (discovering new avenues) collaboration process allows cli- ents to establish a cohesive brand voice and identity that comes to life across package design and marketing. C: it SolutionS • packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS Csp lABs We will figure it out pleasant Grove, calif. p: (916) 655-1581 F: (916) 655-1582 W: e: What's new: pcr test for red blotch virus. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard ServiceS • winery ServiceS CAkeWAlk desiGN Custom web design solutions for wineries abbotsford, Bc, canada p: (778) 240-7030 W: e: What's new: cakewalk is a new web design and e-commerce development studio lead by James davenport, previously a lead de- signer at vin65 where he was involved in many custom design solutions for clients. as a certified vin65 designer, cakewalk crafts great digital experiences for wineries and helps bring the best out of the vin65 system. C: SaleS & marketinG CAliForNiA terroirs West Coast wines of character to the world Sonoma, calif. 2014 supplier Guide

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