Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 47 p: (707) 966-0429 W: e: What's new: new markets: australia, viet- nam, norway, Finland, peru. C: warehouSinG / ShippinG CANtoN CooperAGe Master of American oak barrels windsor, calif. p: (707) 836-9742 F: (707) 836-9759 W: e: What's new: new website is live. C: cooperaGe CApABuNGA drinking by design windsor, calif. p: (707) 837-8880 F: (707) 837-0199 W: e: What's new: capaBubbles reseals cham- pagne bottles. Glasswhere is a reusable wine glass identifier. all products are made from food-grade silicone. C: taStinG roomS CAroliNA WiNe supply the southeast's most complete winery supply company yadkinville, n.c. p: (336) 677-6831 F: (336) 677-1048 W: e: What's new: leroi French oak barrels. char- lois hungarian and american oak barrels. harvest bins. astrapouch alternative pack- aging. arS Swash steam generators and glass washers. C: cooperaGe • packaGinG • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS CAse By CAse WiNe ANd GrApe suppliers your source for world-class wine and grapes lakeport, calif. p: (707) 671-4126 F: (707) 263-4086 W: e: What's new: we have added a southeastern office and are now offering pear and apple ciders. C: winery SupplieS CAstoro BottliNG Co. the most flexible bottler in the business since 1989 San miguel, calif. p: (805) 467-2002 F: (805) 467-2004 W: e: What's new: mechanical and optical label positioning. laser etching. C: winery ServiceS CeNtrAl vAlley Builders supply your complete vineyard supply partner and one-stop shop St. helena, calif. p: (707) 963-3622 F: (707) 963-8678 W: e: What's new: profil alsace trellising system, expanded netafim assortment along with many other new additions. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • vine- yard eQuipment • vineyard SupplieS CHArlois CooperAGe usA state-of-art cooperage located in Northern California wine country cloverdale, calif. p: (707) 944-1371 F: (707) 324-6763 W: e: What's new: introducing French oak barrels made in the u.S., using air-dried wood from our cognac, France stave yard. oak alterna- tives are now available for 2015. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment CHArt iNC. dosing the world one drop at a time San Jose, calif. p: (800) 371-3303 F: (408) 577-1567 W: e: What's new: chart's new 2k controller comes with many features including intellidose technology, larger tFt color lcd touch screen, improved dose duration settings, remotedose technology and enhanced recipes. upgrade your existing controller today. C: packaGinG CHrislAN CerAMiCs iNC. tap handles, glassware, growlers maple ridge, Bc, canada p: (604) 465-7507 F: (604) 465-7585 W: e: What's new: chrislan ceramics is offering new base colors for custom-designed wine tap handles as well as prop 65 compliant eco-friendly glassware inks. also added a new 32-ounce hydro Flask in addition to the popular 40-ounce wine design. C: taStinG roomS CiAtti Co. We can provide you with all your wine supply solutions San rafael, calif. p: (415) 458-5150 F: (415) 458-5160 W: e: What's new: the ciatti co. is committed to providing you with all your wine and drink- making needs. whether you're after five gallon pails or bulk tanker quantities, we can find the right product for your requirements. C: cooperaGe • warehouSinG / Ship- pinG • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS ClArksBurG WiNe GroWers ANd viNtNers AssoCiAtioN From the heart of the California delta clarksburg, calif. p: (916) 744-1234 W: e: What's new: the clarksburg wine Growers and vintners association is comprised of over 40 growers members and 12 wineries. home to many different varietals, the clarksburg wine Growers and vintners as- sociation has worked to promote the high quality wine and wine grapes of this pre- miere growing region. C: aSSociationS & education ClAssiC ArtisAN style llC dedicated to manufacturing entertaining and home accessories manhattan Beach, calif. p: (310) 962-5098 F: (310) 546-9753 W: e: What's new: classic artisan Style has grown from a simple vintage cheese board to thousands of entertaining products re- tailed in hundreds of stores nationwide. the line encompasses every entertaining product category, focusing on style to create unique special occasion gifts. most products are made in the u.S. and all products are fin- ished in the u.S. C: taStinG roomS ClAssiC iMpressioNs your source for high-quality custom-printed wine labels Great meadows, n.J. p: (908) 637-8188 F: (908) 637-8189 W: e: What's new: hang tags. C: packaGinG CleAresult We change the way people use energy half moon Bay, calif. p: (650) 726-7628 F: (650) 726-7620 W: e: What's new: resource efficiency consulting focused on energy and water. C: FacilitieS & conStruction CleArWAter teCH llC ozone water purification–a proven alternative for your winemaking process San luis obispo, calif. p: (800) 262-0203 F: (805) 549-0306 W: e: What's new: clearwater tech released the c1 mobile disinfection cart, providing in- novative ozone disinfection solutions for winery and brewery professionals. own the c1 mobile cart for $256 per month based on plan, equipment and approved credit. call (805) 546-2370 for more information. C: winery SupplieS CoBAlt trANsport serviCes leading consolidator and door-to-door shipper for wine distributors vineburg, calif. p: (707) 257-2122 W: e: What's new: cobalt transport Services launched a new website, cobalt-transport. com, and an innovative software offering (wineStar) that enables customers to view order status and shipments in real time with access to all shipment history. C: warehouSinG / ShippinG ColANGelo & pArtNers puBliC relAtioNs the food, wine and spirits public relations agency new york, n.y. p: (646) 624-2885 W: e: What's new: new client acquisition this year include Sapporo Beer, vias importers, wines of South africa, Fable mountain vine- yards, marvelous wines, mulderbosch wines, Berlucchi Franciacorta, prosecco doc, averna/G'vin, Bh Group Spirits, nocciolata and prom peru. C: SaleS & marketinG ColliNs MediA serviCes innovative and creative communications San rafael, calif. p: (415) 258-9467 e: What's new: in 2015 collins media Ser- vices will launch an exciting new service to retail and restaurants: Shasta custom brand- ed music. carefully researched music is branded as your own radio station and cus- tomized for each location. Shasta provides unique internal communication to inform and motivate your team. visit shastamusic. com for more information. C: SaleS & marketinG ColliNWood GrApe Co. quality grapes, from grower direct to consumer cleveland, ohio p: (216) 451-8697 F: (216) 441-3540 W: e: What's new: offering grapes and juice from select avas throughout california and wash- ington. we work with you to select the vari- ety, ava and growing conditions for your grapes. collinwood Grape co. monitors the grapes throughout the growing period and assures your grapes are harvested, cooled and shipped as quickly as possible in per- fect condition. C: winery SupplieS CoMMoNWeAltH ForeiGN eXCHANGe iNC. there is nothing common about Commonwealth Foreign exchange San Francisco, calif. p: (415) 836-2170 F: (415) 243-8676 W: e: What's new: commonwealth Foreign ex- change has added three sales positions to the San Francisco office. working with over 1,000 wineries in california, washington and oregon as well as 10 barrel importers, commonwealth can increase shipment speed by providing deposit confirmations 2014 supplier Guide

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