Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 45 Bt-WAtzke AMeriCA iNC. Manufacturer of high quality capsules, aluminum closures and champagne foils Sherwood, ore. p: (855) 928-9532 W: e: What's new: in January Bt-watzke america opened its office and warehouse south of portland in Sherwood, ore. Standard col- ored and standard sized caps and capsules are available from the large warehouse. Join us in the new office over a cup of espresso and discuss how to design your individually produced capsules and closures. C: packaGinG BANk oF MAriN Committed to your business and our community napa, calif. p: (707) 265-2001 F: (415) 884-5355 W: e: What's new: Bank of marin hired an experi- enced commercial lending team to build its wine-related business. ruth edwards, the commercial banking regional manager based in the napa, calif., office, heads the team focused on lending to the wine industry and commercial real estate lending in napa county and Sonoma valley. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS BArrel BlAstiNG iNC. if you want a cleaner barrel, you have to buy a new one napa, calif. p: (707) 312-9084 W: e: What's new: Barrel Blasting works with all major insert suppliers. pick up and delivery services offered with no barrel minimum. C: cooperaGe BArrel Builders iNC. We know barrels. it's what we do St. helena, calif. p: (707) 963-9963 F: (707) 963-5963 W: e: What's new: Barrel Builders has a new shop and warehouse located at 865 Silvera- do trail, in calistoga, calif. the new shop phone number is (707) 953-8923. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS BAstos llC High quality winery supplies service since 1996 St. helena, calif. p: (707) 968-5008 F: (707) 968-5008 W: e: What's new: Bastos offers digital printing on solid metal labels and non-magnetic cus- tom wire hoods. C: cooperaGe • packaGinG • taStinG roomS BAuer AssoCiAtes, GeoteCHNiCAl CoNsultANts Geotechnical engineering services Forestville, calif. p: (707) 887-2505 F: (707) 887-9756 W: e: What's new: new website at C: FacilitieS & conStruction BAuerHAus desiGN visual design with you in mind Fairview heights, ill. p: (314) 398-5790 W: e: What's new: the power of wine marketing by Bauerhaus design, a comprehensive on- line course for winery owners, teaches the marketing skills winery owners need to grow their winery and gain new customers, in- cluding how to get customers from social media, how to build a website that works, and how to design promotions and events. visit today. C: aSSociationS & education • it So- lutionS • packaGinG • SaleS & mar- ketinG • taStinG roomS BAyArd FoX seleCtioNs the power of nature napa, calif. p: (707) 812-4554 F: (707) 253-8850 W: e: What's new: 2B fermentation products now include yeasts as well as malolactic bacteria and 2B Fermcontrol, a dap supplement. C: cooperaGe • winery SupplieS tHe Belli Corp. (dBA WesteC tANk & equipMeNt) Where quality, innovation and craftsmanship come together healdsburg, calif. p: (707) 431-9342 F: (707) 431-8809 W: e: What's new: the brand new westec locking spin handle prevents inadvertent opening of the door when the tank is full, unwanted entry of the tank and theft of tank pieces and parts. the locking spin handle is avail- able for westec tanks and can be retrofitted onto existing tanks. C: winery eQuipment BerGiN GlAss iMpressioNs increase the value of your brand napa, calif. p: (707) 224-0111 F: (707) 224-4185 W: e: What's new: Bergin Glass impressions add- ed an additional fully automated 12-station, nine-color screen print machine to its high- speed screen print line, supporting the con- tinued growth of current and new customers. the new print machine is also equipped with camera registration to ensure between-seam printing, even on high-speed print runs. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS BeverAGe testiNG iNstitute 33 years of trusted reviews chicago, ill. p: (773) 930-4080 F: (773) 930-4598 W: e: What's new: new customizable award logos and poS. please call or email for details and samples. new consumer and trade sites of- fered in the fall of 2014. Subscribe to the Bti trade newsletter at for announcements of upcoming tastings and events. C: aSSociationS & education • Fi- nance, leGal & admin ServiceS • puB- licationS • SaleS & marketinG BiG sky introducing the next big thing new york, ny p: (917) 378-9084 W: e: What's new: Big Sky designs, engineers and produces primary and secondary pack- aging, bottle labels and promotional prod- ucts bound for the wine & spirit industries. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS Bio-MiCroBiCs iNC. Better water. Better world Shawnee, kan. p: (913) 422-0707 F: (913) 422-0808 W: e: What's new: BioBarrier hSmBr's simple, award-winning design and fully certified wastewater treatment process utilizes supe- rior aeration capabilities along with durable flat-sheet membrane technology to provide a microfiltration and ultrafiltration treatment process. the modular and scalable design provides flexibility, ensuring optimum treat- ment and lower operating costs while creat- ing consistent, high-quality effluent ready for water reuse. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • vine- yard eQuipment BoNAr plAstiCs/sNyder iNdustries Wine making solutions lincoln, neb. p: (800) 768-6246 F: (402) 465-1220 W: e: What's new: Bonar plastics offers a wide selection of molded plastic material handling containers for virtually every industry requir- ing bulk handing for food products, liquids, dry materials and industrial parts and prod- ucts. applications for custom products are virtually unlimited. the quality, versatility and durability benefits of our proven process can be applied to almost any product. C: cooperaGe • vineyard eQuipment • winery eQuipment BordeAuX sCieNCes AGro through a network of higher agronomic institutes Gradignan, cedex, France p: +33 0557 358620 W: e: What's new: the master of Business and Science program in vineyard and winery management is designed to further the par- ticipants' knowledge in business manage- ment, viticulture and oenology. the program seeks to complement your commercial, managerial or viticultural knowledge through an individually structured and flexible curriculum. C: aSSociationS & education tW BosWell 100 years of excellence napa, calif. p: (707) 255-5900 F: (707) 255-5952 W: e: What's new: to emphasize fruit and terroir, cool climate Series barrels are exclusively crafted with 36-month, extra-fine-grain French oak as part of tw Boswell's Special reserve premium wood selection. our team nurtures this exceptional wood source, and each barrel is specially crafted using new, low-impact proprietary toasts that focus on finesse, complementing delicate fruit. C: cooperaGe BouCHArd CooperAGes international barrel brokers proudly serving the wine industry since 1979 napa, calif. p: (707) 257-3582 F: (707) 254-0852 W: e: What's new: master coopers produit de Bourgogne-after 35 years of passion and dedication to the wine industry, vincent Bouchard is finally putting his signature on a barrel: richelieu, a new brand of barrel developed specifically for bolder Bordeaux varietals and blends. proprietary blend of oak from three of the finest French forests. C: cooperaGe BreHM viNeyArds Fine wine from fine grapes albany, calif. p: (510) 527-3675 F: (510) 526-1372 W: e: What's new: Brehm vineyards is selling an inventory of drums and 230-gallon net totes of settled juice and stemmed grapes. C: winery SupplieS 2014 supplier Guide

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