Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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44 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 All AMeriCAN CoNtAiNers – pACiFiC CoAst We've got your glass covered windsor, calif. p: (707) 838-8864 F: (707) 838-8794 W: e: What's new: now offering a full line of spir- its bottles and closures stocked in all ware- houses, as well as a full line of food jars and closures. re-packing services and machin- ery are located in Sonoma county. visit the windsor, calif., walk-in store for any last- minute or small quantity needs. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS • ware- houSinG / ShippinG All AMeriCAN CoNtAiNers iNC. the most extensive supply of packaging goods for your winery tampa, Fla. p: (315) 585-6045 F: (813) 247-7329 W: e: What's new: in addition to the multitude of bottles, corks, etc., all american containers has added 64-ounce and 32-ounce plastic growlers to its line. the growlers weigh less and cost less than glass and can be easily carried in coolers. email sales@allamerican- for more information on printing, plus samples and pricing. C: packaGinG AMCor FleXiBles AMeriCAN CANyoN Creating the new world of packaging american canyon, calif. p: (877) 783-5846 F: (707) 257-8028 W: e: What's new: amcor launched mycoiffe, an ipad app allowing users to customize spar- kling foils online with a two-week promise on capsule production time. mycoiffe is the perfect tool for clients who wish to order smaller quantities. amcor also welcomes karolyn Beaver as the new pacific northwest sales executive. C: packaGinG AMeriCAN GrApe HArvesters ANd GrApepArts4less Grapeparts4less is your low-cost source for quality grape harvester products Fresno, calif. p: (559) 277-7380 F: (559) 277-7385 W: e: What's new: Grapeparts4less provides af- ter-market parts for all makes of grape har- vesters including picking rods, conveyor buckets, bearings and retrofit catching systems. C: vineyard eQuipment AMeriCAN viNeyArd FouNdAtioN (AvF) Finding solutions through research napa, calif. p: (707) 252-6911 F: (707) 252-7672 W: e: What's new: the avF funded 28 new/re- newed viticulture and enology research grants in 2014 totaling $1,387,398. thanks to the community of supporters who contributed to this industry research. C: aSSociationS & education AMeriCAN WiNe soCiety Appreciation of wine through education englewood, ohio p: (888) 297-9070 F: (937) 529-7888 W: e: What's new: american wine Society added new chapters in 2014. C: aSSociationS & education AMoriM Cork AMeriCA the art of cork napa, calif. p: (707) 224-6000 F: (707) 224-7616 W: e: What's new: helix is a unique cork-glass packaging innovation for the still wine seg- ment. the solution combines all the ben- efits of cork and glass—quality, sustainability and premium image—with user-friendly, re-sealable convenience. visit for more information. C: packaGinG AMpCo puMps Co. Better products, better pricing, better delivery Glendale, wis. p: (800) 737-8671 F: (414) 643-4452 W: e: What's new: the ampco wine cart, com- plete with pump, cart, controls and gear re- ducer, is customizable for each application and is suitable for wine/juice transfer, barrel work, filter feed and bottling/filler supply. the wine cart features a stainless steel pump, stainless steel cart and controls mounted securely to the cart. C: winery eQuipment ANdersoN vAlley WiNeGroWers AssoCiAtioN promoting the grapes and wines of the Anderson valley winegrowing appellation philo, calif. p: (707) 895-9463 F: (707) 895-9463 W: e: What's new: contact the anderson valley winegrowers association for more informa- tion on upcoming training events for tasting room staff and safety courses for vineyard and winery workers in 2015. C: aSSociationS & education ANtoN pAAr usA Measure what is measurable, make measurable that which is not ashland, va. p: (800) 722-7556 F: (804) 550-1057 W: e: What's new: alcolyzer me measuring mod- ule, the all-in-one solution for direct mea- surement of the alcohol content in beers, wines and spirits. C: winery eQuipment ApHolos MetAl lABels & Closures Metal labels and closures capital Federal, Buenos aires, argentina p: +54 1145 013201 F: +54 1145 034221 W: e: What's new: new website at metal-labels. com. C: packaGinG AppellAtioN trAdiNG Co. California's best shiner source napa, calif. p: (707) 224-1222 F: (707) 224-1211 W: e: What's new: new sales team, new tanks and a new tasting room. C: packaGinG • vineyard SupplieS • warehouSinG / ShippinG • winery SupplieS ArCHoN iNdustries iNC. equipment and solutions for the processing industry Suffern, n.y. p: (845) 368-3600 F: (845) 368-3040 W: e: What's new: the new archon rt12 heavy- duty spray guns available in red, white and black are economical, durable and can han- dle 200 psi at 200°F. the single-piece stainless steel or brass construction features an all-stainless valve stem, Buna-n valve seat and o-ring seal. visit archon's en- hanced website at C: winery eQuipment Art oN WiNe By suGArMAN desiGN A fresh perspective in wine label branding, print and online marketing Fair oaks, calif. p: (916) 965-5900 F: (916) 965-5900 W: e: What's new: personal marketing consulta- tion on branding and revitalization of exist- ing brands. call (916) 965-5900 or email for a brand quiz to see how well your winery is doing. C: packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS ArtWorks & MArketiNG improve your bottom line with targeted design napa, calif. p: (707) 251-8000 F: (707) 258-8653 W: e: What's new: artworks & marketing has new branding, a new logo and a new company image. C: packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG Assured AutoMAtioN We make valve automation easy clark, n.J. p: (800) 899-0553 F: (732) 381-2328 W: e: What's new: assured automation is a lead- ing supplier of automated valves, actuators, flow meters and valve accessories. Special order and custom assemblies for unique ap- plications are available. our experience in project and special valve automation spans over 25 years. C: vineyard eQuipment AstrApouCH the eco-friendly packaging alternative. Billboard your brand, reach new customers penfield, n.y. p: (585) 259-9202 W: e: What's new: new pouch sizes include 187ml and 375ml single-serve and sample- size mini pouches. astrapouch is also offer- ing a complete line of bag-in-box bags in the new and improved online store at as- C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment rAMsey N. AsWAd Co. llC solving your grape supply problems visalia, calif. p: (559) 636-3421 F: (559) 636-1104 W: e: What's new: ramsey n. aswad co. has a new website at C: SaleS & marketinG • vineyard ServiceS • winery eQuipment • win- ery SupplieS B BAr ArCHiteCts Cultivating the natural terroir San Francisco, calif. p: (415) 293-5700 F: (415) 293-5701 W: e: What's new: Bar architects is now located at 901 Battery St., Ste. 300 in San Fran- cisco, calif. C: FacilitieS & conStruction Bdi MACHiNery sAles iNC. Farming made better one machine at a time macungie, pa. p: (800) 808-0454 F: (610) 965-2959 W: e: What's new: Bdi machinery, originally Buy direct internationally co., is reorganizing as an import warehouse with support for local dealers. Bdi is expanding its range of vine- yard machinery to better serve customer needs. dealership opportunities are now available in select regions. top management and general management positions are now open. inquire at, under careers, or C: vineyard eQuipment BsG WiNe divisioN | NApA premium winemaking supplies with full technical support napa, calif. p: (707) 252-2550 F: (707) 252-1553 W: e: What's new: BSG wine has updated its website, improving the user experience and improving the ordering functionality. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS 2014 supplier Guide

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