Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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74 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 viNtAGe Nurseries our partnership is growing with you every day wasco, calif. p: (800) 499-9019 F: (661) 758-4734 W: e: What's new: vintage nurseries doubled its mist-propagation system, quadrupled its lighthouse capacity, installed a new water- reclamation system and added a higher vol- ume shadehouse facility to provide optimum growing conditions and superior quality products for our growing partners. C: vineyard SupplieS viNtAGevieW WiNe storAGe systeM Bring your wine to life denver, colo. p: (866) 650-1500 F: (866) 650-1501 W: e: What's new: vinolet, a wall-mounted four- bottle glass and rack holder. C: taStinG roomS viNtAstiC pACkAGiNG your one-stop source for wine industry specialty packaging San diego, calif. p: (877) 457-7468 W: e: What's new: Gift boxes that will present your wine in style. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS viNtNers AdvANtAGe World class enterprise-wide winery software martinez, calif. p: (866) 647-3757 F: (866) 329-9864 W: e: What's new: casegood warehouse location management, casegood sales forecast ver- sus actual sales reporting, district level wine composition, quarterly compliance reporting, consolidated grower remittance capability for growers with multiple contracts, integra- tion to lab equipment, and improved labora- tory entry and reporting. C: it SolutionS virGiNiA dAre Flavors for wine and wine beverages Brooklyn, n.y. p: (718) 788-1776 F: (718) 768-3978 W: e: What's new: virginia dare's flavor creation and beverage application teams have de- signed new and exciting ttB approved fla- vors for distilled spirits. with experts estimating continued growth in this subcat- egory, the company recently designed the following palate pleasing flavors: cinnamon brown sugar, pear honey, strawberry rhu- barb pie, strawberry rose and raspberry lemon. C: cooperaGe W Wise ACAdeMy – WiNe iNdustry sAles eduCAtioN raising the bar for dtC in the wine industry napa, calif. p: (877) 740-9473 F: (877) 852-6304 W: e: What's new: research and analysis, benchmarking, surveys, behavior profiling measure and monitor, mystery shopping, kpi dashboards, metrics analysis consult- ing projects, brand auditing, visual mer- chandising, guest journey mapping, tour scripts and coaching, marcomm support, organizational development, incentive com- pensation, change management training and coaching, certification classes, leader- ship workshops, onsite training, executive coaching. C: aSSociationS & education • Fi- nance, leGal & admin ServiceS • taStinG roomS Ws pACkAGiNG Group iNC. innovation for impact algoma, wis. p: (800) 236-3424 F: (920) 487-7074 W: e: What's new: michael Jarrett is the new western regional sales manager. Jarrett is located at 24403 S. 201st ct. in Queen creek, ariz. and can be reached at (480) 307-2509 or C: packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS • winery eQuipment WAlter H. Jelly ltd. Building relationships for over 75 years middleton, wis. p: (608) 831-1405 F: (608) 831-1992 W: e: What's new: walter h. Jelly ltd. supplies a 30.5mm by 50mm protective band to prop- erly seal a bartop cork or bubble cork on wine bottles. these seals are available in black, burgundy, gold, red, silver, transpar- ent and white. no special equipment is nec- essary for application. C: packaGinG The French American Chamber of Commerce San Francisco, Sonoma State University and Wines & Vines Present… 2014 Best Wine Student of La Soiree, Gastronomy and Wine show competition November 21, 2014 at 6 PM Terra Gallery 511 Harrison St. San Francisco, CA 94105 The 3rd annual competition is to recognize and help the outstanding wine education program provided by Sonoma State University's Wine Business Institute for the future leaders of the American wine industry. The competition consists of two rounds of written and blind tasting tests, culminating in the final round performed on the stage of the FACC-SF annual fund raiser event. Thank you to all the enterprises, wineries, and individuals for supporting the future leaders of the North American wine industry. LAST YEAR'S WINNER, COOPER NISWONGER For more information, contact Search online for suppliers at 2014 supplier Guide

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