Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 75 WAsteWAter diversioN systeMs iNC. triple e aerators the pollution solution mechanicsville, va. p: (804) 730-1280 F: (804) 730-3489 W: e: What's new: constant monitoring systems for monitoring storm water runoff. detect, divert and receive an alert of a spill or other harmful pollutants leaving the property. C: FacilitieS & conStruction WAterloo CoNtAiNer Co. largest stocking distributor of wine bottles on the east Coast waterloo, n.y. p: (888) 539-3922 F: (315) 539-9380 W: e: What's new: increased warehouse space to 250,000 square feet with the addition of a new facility and added a new free-standing 4,500-square-foot customer service center. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment Wells FArGo WiNe, Food & BeverAGe Group equipment financing Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 584-3150 W: e: What's new: Focused on equipment leasing, equipment finance and solar financing solutions. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS WesterN squAre iNdustries iNC. lean, green and made in America Stockton, calif. p: (800) 367-8383 F: (209) 944-0934 W: e: What's new: western Square industries is happy to announce the hiring of raymond willmers as key account manager. president trygve mikkelsen installed willmers at the helm of the sales and management depart- ment. willmers continues his role on the company's strategic board while working with the company's top global winery partners. C: cooperaGe • vineyard eQuipment • vineyard ServiceS • vineyard Sup- plieS WG seCurity produCts iNC. Bringing loss-prevention technology into the 21st century and beyond campbell, calif. p: (408) 241-8000 F: (408) 559-2073 W: e: What's new: wi-Fi electronic article surveil- lance system, ninja tags and hang tags. C: packaGinG WilsoN irriGAtioN yakima, wash. p: (509) 453-9983 F: (509) 453-1258 W: e: What's new: rental equipment: tranStore stainless steel portable wine storage and fermentation tanks. Fire and ice portable chiller/heater units. Grape harvest bins and fermentation containers. please contact rhonda calahan at (509) 961-8252 or for rental rates. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard SupplieS WiNe ANd tHe WeB Affordable e-commerce website solutions to empower small winemakers el verano, calif. p: (707) 732-3490 W: e: What's new: low-cost wordpress website and e-commerce solutions for small wineries. C: it SolutionS WiNe CoMpliANCe AlliANCe Full throttle, from grape to bottle napa, calif. p: (707) 320-8575 W: e: What's new: online trainings available for ttB required record keeping and reporting as well as harvest-related compliance. train- ing modules consist of audio recordings, pdF handout materials and how-to videos. users learn ttB compliance topics at their own pace using the step-by-step training format. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • it SolutionS WiNe CouNtry WizArd if you are serious about wine, use lehmann Glass Sarasota, Fla. p: (941) 306-3331 W: What's new: lehmann Glass oneomust has a new single stem decanter. Great for easy handling, saves space on the table and has a no-drip spout. visit for more information. C: SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS WiNe iNdustry syMposiuM Group Wine industry conferences, education, data and networking napa, calif. p: (707) 255-9222 F: (707) 255-2044 W: e: What's new: the three annual events pro- duced by the wine industry Symposium Group have grown in scope and popularity. lisa adams walter is the new director of programs. the 2015 central coast insights for wine event will be held in paso robles, calif., in march 2015. C: aSSociationS & education Wasco 661-758-4777 Paso Robles 805-237-8914 Modesto 209-523-8036 santa Rosa 707-542-5510 serving the Wine, table Grape and Raisin Industries Great ideas are only as good as their execution. and Vintage nurseries innovation has proven itself, over and over again. We listened to our growers who we consider our partners, and responded by doubling our mist propagation system, quadrupling our lighthouse capacity, and installing a new water reclamation system and higher volume shadehouse structure. as always, Vintage also continues to lead the way in technology that combats industry-wide pests and pathogens. our goal is to keep striving to provide optimum growing conditions and superior quality products for our growing partners. Tat comes through innovation, day after day. It's what we do best, and it's just the beginning for many more exciting innovations to come. | 800-499-9019 | bold Innovation. Vintage Quality New ShadehouSe FacilitieS updated GreeNhouSe FacilitieS expaNded liGhthouSe capacity New MiSt propaGatioN Facility water reclaMatioN SySteM 2014 supplier Guide

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