Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 73 vertiFlo puMp Co. pumps delivered fast, usually in half the typical lead time cincinnati, ohio p: (513) 530-0888 F: (513) 530-0893 W: e: What's new: the vertiflo pump co. offers portable, horizontal centrifugal pumps that transport must, fruit or juice to tanks and presses. the horizontal end suction pump line offers up to 3,000 gallons per minute (gpm) and 300-foot heads. vertiflo's vertical waste- water sump pump line offers up to 3,000 gpm, 250-foot heads and 26-foot depth. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • win- ery eQuipment viNeyArd CoNCepts llC Making it easy to maintain high quality fruit murphys, calif. p: (209) 743-2773 W: e: What's new: easy to use and inexpensive, the Bin Skin is designed to keep bugs and invasive pests out of your grapes during har- vest. the Bin Skin can also be used to pro- tect fruit from the heat. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard ServiceS • vineyard SupplieS • win- ery SupplieS viNGdireCt Helping wineries grow direct-to-consumer sales Sebastopol, calif. p: (707) 861-9943 F: (707) 861-9625 W: e: What's new: vingdirect now offers a tasting room benchmarking dashboard tool. the automated online tool downloads data di- rectly from wineries' poS, allowing wineries to compare their tasting room sales to other vingdirect members. Search specific crite- ria such as annual taster count, state, coun- ty, american viticultural area (ava) and average retail bottle price. C: it SolutionS • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS viNosHipper direct sales made easy windsor, calif. p: (866) 678-8466 F: (866) 678-8466 W: e: What's new: compliance reports, coupon code management and wine club management. C: it SolutionS viNoteC NApA We care about your wine napa, calif. p: (707) 953-7072 W: e: What's new: visit for in- formation on the new StatFax 4500 spectro- photometer, which is pre-programmed for megazyme test kits, and for the new wine microbiology reference section. C: aSSociationS & education • winery eQuipment • winery ServiceS • win- ery SupplieS viNovisit the only free tasting room management solution for wineries napa, calif. p: (888) 252-8990 W: e: What's new: large or small, vinovisit can bring more reservations, appointment re- quests or walk-ins to your tasting room. vi- novisit visitors spend $14 million each year with winery client wineries and 47% more on wine purchases. client wineries also see a 300% increase in email list size. reduce phone and email tag by 75%. C: SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS viNpAk iNC. Aging never looked so good american canyon, calif. p: (707) 255-2511 F: (707) 255-2577 W: e: What's new: Greencell compostable wine shippers. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • packaGinG • warehouSinG / ShippinG • winery eQuipment viNperFeCt Wine's first perfect closure napa, calif. p: (707) 252-2155 F: (707) 252-2166 W: e: What's new: lowell Gibbs is the new vice president of business development for vin- perfect, and demian rose was hired to cov- er northwest regional sales. vinperfect's new services include consulting with winer- ies on bottling, screwcap design and optimal glass selection. the new website was launched in august. C: packaGinG Protecting quality and taste for 50 years Filtration products designed to... • Preserve your unique wine characteristics • Lower overall fltration costs • Achieve process effciency Rely on Parker domnick hunter for consistent and reputable performance. Contact us for a free technical assessment of your fltration process. ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS. Food and Beverage Together, we can keep favor at it's peak. Parker domnick hunter | Process Filtration North America: +1 877 784 2234 email: Europe: +44 (0)191 4105121 email: Parker dhP Nov 2013 Qtr Pg BW_Equip-Supply Srvcs.indd 1 9/5/2013 2:19:05 PM Search the 2014 winery & vineyard Supplier Guide online at 2014 supplier Guide

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