Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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76 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 WiNe pACkAGiNG By NAylor Wine is made in the vineyard Stewartstown, pa. p: (800) 292-3370 F: (717) 993-9460 W: e: What's new: wine packaging by naylor is now accessible through the naylor wine cel- lars website at C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS • win- ery SupplieS WiNe seAsoNiNGs iNC. quickly and simply...flavor without the fuss waukesha, wis. p: (800) 533-8144 W: e: What's new: new clear packaging with a hand hole, designed for retailers. the clear packaging preserves the product for longer. private label minimum order is 120 packs. C: taStinG roomS WiNe spokeN Here smart public relations napa, calif. p: (707) 363-0174 F: (707) 294-2061 W: e: What's new: digital marketing support and design. C: SaleS & marketinG WiNe teCHNoloGy AMeriCA iNC. international specialists in winery control and automation Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 703-1861 W: e: What's new: wine technology america is pleased to partner with the tom Beard co., who will distribute and support vinwizard technology throughout north america. C: winery eQuipment WiNe tourisM CoNFereNCe Annual gathering of wine tourism leaders red lodge, mont. p: (888) 758-8687 W: e: What's new: the 2014 wine tourism confer- ence will take place nov. 12-14 in paso ro- bles, calif. the 2015 conference date and location will be announced this month. please see for details. C: aSSociationS & education WiNeCAre loGistiCs our name says and our services prove it american canyon, calif. p: (707) 554-4400 F: (707) 647-7510 W: e: What's new: temperature controlled ship- ping at competitive prices. in-depth interna- tional wine shipping. C: warehouSinG / ShippinG WiNedoC – WiNery CoNsultiNG Winery design and winemaking consulting winchester, ky. p: (859) 533-8759 F: (859) 527-0038 W: e: What's new: developed and provided cli- ents with the correct theory and procedure for obtaining and maintaining oxygen-free headspace atmospheres. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS • SaleS & marketinG • winery ServiceS WiNeJoBs.CoM the wine industry's leading online job site Sonoma, calif. p: (707) 940-3920 F: (707) 940-3930 W: e: What's new: with over 6,000 jobs posted last year, continues to be the wine industry's leading online job site. check back daily for new job postings. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS tHe WiNeMAker's dAtABAse iNC. specializing in wine production software since 1983 Soquel, calif. p: (831) 465-8310 F: (831) 465-8312 W: e: What's new: Foss interface, Quickbooks interface and bottling analysis. C: it SolutionS WiNeryproduCts.CoM (roAMiNG GNoMe eNterprises) exciting, innovative products designed specifically for wineries San Francisco, calif. p: (707) 200-7838 W: e: What's new: oenotank maturation wine tank and esprit du chene premium French oak adjuncts. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment WiNeryseAls your sealing solution hayward, calif. p: (510) 732-7010 F: (510) 782-2651 W: e: What's new: the latest additions include a 2-inch flat-sided sanitary gasket (typically used on kegs and stainless steel tanks), new sizes and profiles of manway gaskets and inflatable/variable tank gaskets. C: winery eQuipment WiNes & viNes the best news, data and conferences for winemakers, grapegrowers and suppliers across North America San rafael, calif. p: (866) 453-9701 F: (415) 453-2517 W: e: What's new: Wines & Vines announces two small-scale, focused conferences and trade 2014 supplier Guide

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