Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 63 pHoeNiX pACkAGiNG iNterNAtioNAl Corp. your ideal package, from concept to reality lasalle, Qc, canada p: (514) 487-6660 F: (514) 487-6661 W: e: What's new: phoenix packaging has in- creased its presence with large-format bot- tles designed to handle both still wine and champagne. a variety of sizes are included, from 3 liters up to 30 liters. C: packaGinG piCkeriNG WiNery supply over 30 years of exceptional service and value San Francisco, calif. p: (415) 474-1588 F: (415) 474-1617 W: e: What's new: erbslöh Geisenheim aG, of- fered by pickering winery Supply, is a global specialist in the treatment of wine and a leader in research and development, con- sulting and service. erbslöh provides a broad spectrum of support services and cus- tomers benefit from its 50-year intensive cooperation with research establishments and institutes. C: cooperaGe • packaGinG • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS polArClAd tANk iNsulAtioN the industry's most sophisticated and leading tank insulation system Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 577-7826 F: (707) 577-7511 W: e: What's new: after establishing a successful california business in 2003, polarclad tank insulation is expanding its territory into or- egon and washington. polarclad tank insu- lation is participating in the ncwie in Santa rosa, calif., and the unified Symposium in Sacramento, calif., as well as exhibiting at the oregon wine Symposium in portland, ore., in February. C: winery eQuipment portoCork the premier natural cork supplier to the North American wine industry napa, calif. p: (707) 258-3930 F: (707) 258-3935 W: e: What's new: portocork introduced laser printing for natural cork stoppers and add identifiable numbering and/or text to each closure, making every cork unique. the de- tails and shading areas of your image will be kept true to its original form. the laser print- ing process is completely safe for your wine and the environment. C: packaGinG pour 'N sAve if we cannot save you money, you shouldn't be in the business irvine, calif. p: (714) 505-5805 F: (714) 505-5806 W: e: What's new: our tri-level wine gauge holds three assorted-size stemware or stemless glasses. pour three different amounts at one time. large volume wine bars love these for the money-saving advantage. the tri-level wine gauge is stainless steel with a 10-year warranty. C: taStinG roomS prACtiCAl WiNery & viNeyArd technical, practical, peer-reviewed resource for wineries and growers San rafael, calif. p: (415) 453-9700 F: (415) 453-2517 W: e: What's new: pwv will publish a stand- alone January 2015 issue with new content and updates of our most-requested techni- cal materials in the oak, enology and vine- yard fields. C: puBlicationS preMier WiNe CAsk providing top quality barrels and superior overall service napa, calif. p: (800) 227-5625 F: (707) 257-0742 W: e: What's new: new website at premierwin- C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment priCeWAterHouseCoopers llp your trusted business advisor San Francisco, calif. p: (415) 498-7446 F: (813) 329-2364 W: What's new: Fred eisenhart is the leader of pwc's wine industry services group. Former- ly the group's lead assurance partner, eisen- hart has over 28 years of experience providing assurance services to private cli- ents in a variety of industries including win- eries, vineyards and agribusiness. eisenhart's focus is on growth-oriented, mid- sized businesses. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS pro reFriGerAtioN iNC. When keeping cool is everything auburn, wash. p: (253) 735-9466 F: (253) 735-2631 W: e: What's new: pro refrigeration added a new production facility in mocksville, n.c. the product line has been expanded with the new 3/4 horsepower pro chill & Flow Series for smaller applications and the 220 horse- power pro revolution Series for large pro- ducers. over 20 standard models are also available. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • win- ery eQuipment proNektAr (A divisioN oF rAdouX) the fruit of the wood Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 284-2888 F: (707) 284-2894 W: e: What's new: pronektar's enological wood products dazzle winemakers by producing results in wines where barrels simply aren't an option. with new wood blends and toasts, specific aromatic targets are hit spot-on. pronektar is capable of meeting winemaker objectives with a full line of French and american oak products from granulates to tank staves. C: cooperaGe prospero equipMeNt Corp. the winery solution pleasantville, n.y. p: (914) 769-6252 F: (914) 769-6786 W: e: What's new: new electro-pneumatic filling valve. more precise fill levels and automatic pressure adjustments in real time. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment proteCtive WeAtHer struCtures iNC. (pWs) Custom steel buildings without the custom price San luis obispo, calif. p: (805) 547-8797 F: (805) 549-8469 W: e: What's new: pwS has added a new product line of all-steel premium canopies. elegantly 2014 supplier Guide

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