Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 43 a A&J viNeyArd supply iNC. your first and last source for vineyard and orchard supplies St. helena, calif. p: (707) 963-5354 F: (707) 967-8242 W: e: What's new: deep root irrigators attach to your emitters and move the water directly to the root of the vine, eliminating evaporation and resulting in up to a 50% reduction in water usage. C: vineyard eQuipment AAp CreAtive stewards of your vision oregon city, ore. p: (888) 655-1114 F: (503) 334-4324 W: e: What's new: aap creative is now a certified provider of act-on cloud-based marketing automation services. C: it SolutionS • packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS A-B-C pACkAGiNG MACHiNe Corp. erect, pack, seal and palletize tarpon Springs, Fla. p: (727) 937-5144 F: (727) 938-1239 W: e: What's new: the model 108rt is the only sweep-style depalletizer that runs reverse taper wine bottles with proprietary features to ensure top bottle stability. the smooth electric operation and soft start, soft stop layer control maximizes line productivity. run a wide range of specialty wine bottles on the same machine with no tools needed for changeover. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment AFtek iNC. Complete filtration solutions for your winery rochester, n.y. p: (585) 458-7550 F: (585) 458-7476 W: e: What's new: introducing the della toffola ceramic cross-flow filter for still wine, spar- kling wine, hard cider and lees. C: cooperaGe • FacilitieS & con- Struction • winery eQuipment • win- ery SupplieS Ai2 premier sales automation solutions chicago, ill. p: (800) 835-3200 W: e: What's new: new website at new features in proSel, ai2's ipad mobile order entry solution designed specifically for the wine and spirits industry. C: it SolutionS Arol NortH AMeriCA iNC. Arol's customers put their clients' trust in our hands Suwanee, Ga. p: (678) 318-1290 F: (678) 318-1296 W: e: What's new: the l.Sensor.o2 is a non-de- structive laboratory instrument for measur- ing total pressure and the o 2 and co 2 content, giving the user complete informa- tion about the bottle's head space. the test is simple, fast and repeatable. Because the test is non-destructive, an unlimited number of tests can be conducted on the same container. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment Ars/sWAsH CleANiNG ANd sANitizAtioN We work well under pressure Santa Fe Springs, calif. p: (707) 942-8330 F: (562) 946-4120 W: e: What's new: exclusive Byotrol chemical sanitizer line includes alcohol-/odor-free Byotrol hand sanitizers, epa approved poly- sphere surface disinfectants, microcleanse cleaning detergent with protectant chemi- cals and Stayclean protectant spray. the SwaSh undercounter bottle washer with spray arms washes and sanitizes up to nine bottles with a height of up to 14 inches. C: cooperaGe • SaFety & mainte- nance • taStinG roomS • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS A-t CoNtrols iNC. your valve and automation solution cincinnati, ohio p: (513) 247-5465 F: (513) 247-5462 W: e: What's new: high-performance butterfly valves automated with pneumatic spring re- turn actuator, double-acting actuator or electric actuator with optional explosion proof. anSi/aSme class 150# and 300# wafer and lug styles in sizes from 2 to 24 inches in stock. 316 SSt or wcB standard body materials. C: winery eQuipment At MoBile BottliNG liNe More value-added services than any other mobile line napa, calif. p: (707) 257-3757 F: (707) 224-4641 W: e: What's new: at mobile Bottling line added a new markham 5800 wax printer for shiny boxes. C: winery ServiceS AWs/prospero the winery solution windsor, calif. p: (707) 838-2812 F: (707) 838-3164 W: e: What's new: new Gai electro-pnuematic filler. more precise fill levels and lower dis- solved oxygen levels. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS AXA equitABle FiNANCe Financing America's farmers and ranchers since 1912 walnut Grove, calif. p: (209) 471-3622 W: e: What's new: aXa equitable Finance now offers 15-year fixed rates with 15-year amor- tizations and 20-year fixed rates with 20- year amortizations in addition to its established product lines. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS ACtive CluB solutioNs direct-to-consumer technology engineered for success pleasanton, calif. p: (877) 441-2582 F: (925) 248-4194 W: e: What's new: active club plans to launch its proprietary poS ipad app, integrated with its powerful wine club software and e-com- merce system. C: it SolutionS AdvANCed trACk & trACe We secure your brands, your process, your products rueil-malmaison, France p: +33 1471 66472 W: e: What's new: advanced track & trace ex- panded in china and was selected by the chinese authorities to implement the new protected eco-origin product process (peop). to complement the existing product portfolio, new track and trace solutions us- ing radio frequency identification (rFid) and near-field communication (nFc) tags have been developed. C: it SolutionS • packaGinG AdvANtAGe 24/7 llC your full-service marketing support team – take advantage of us Buffalo, n.y. p: (716) 568-8090 F: (716) 568-8091 W: e: What's new: american oak barrels and oak barrel decor items that can be personalized. advantage 24/7 can provide barrels ranging from 1 liter to 5 liters for aging any spirit. C: aSSociationS & education • SaleS & marketinG AGCode iNC. the most powerful farm management system available Glenwood, minn. p: (877) 250-8435 F: (320) 634-4717 W: e: What's new: maturity, progress and field mapping functionality for ipad and online users. non-productive time pay engine func- tionality to calculate and report breaks, heat stress and exercise appropriately. compre- hensive pesticide recommendation and ap- plication system built to streamline the process from planning to completion. C: it SolutionS AGFAst Corp. vineyard and orchard specialist pomona, calif. p: (909) 464-1373 F: (909) 593-8309 W: e: What's new: agFast corp. has moved to 2288 valley Blvd. in pomona, calif. the new phone number is (909) 464-1373. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard SupplieS • winery eQuipment Suppliers in alphabetical order Fall oF 2014: what'S new with induStry vendorS? Wines & Vines collected up-to-date contact information and company news from nearly 400 wine industry suppliers for this annual special section. to find out what's new from these leading vendors and how they can fill your vineyard and winery needs, just look for companies listed alphabetically in the following pages. companies submitted their information free of charge, and their submissions were edited for consistency and brevity. 2014 supplier Guide

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