Wines & Vines

January 2015 Unified Symposium Issue

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January 2015 Wines&Vines 139 of that variety. this was offset by higher yields. prices were higher. Challenges: there were no major logistical challenges to face this year. higher yield, great quality and no disease issues. WASHinGTon Janet Heath Program manager Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers Quality was exceptional in 2014, with yields above average and some experiencing record yields. good growing conditions allowed for canopies to be balanced with crop loads; even though tempera- tures were hot, sugar accumula- tion was slowed by a heavier crop load, and harvest conditions al- lowed good flavor development. Crops were as much as 20 days ahead of average in some warmer locations. Weather: this was a dream vin- tage from a grower perspective. a very warm spring and summer ac- celerated phenological develop- ment during the growing season. Warm weather throughout the fall helped ripen the large crop, and there was little precipitation. most of the crop was at the wineries be- fore the first frost. the long, warm growing season required more at- tention to irrigation, and irrigation was necessary into october to maintain canopies and keep fruit from dehydrating. Vineyards in hot sites benefited from diurnal tem- perature swings late in october, which allowed for retention of some acids. Pests/diseases: Disease and insect pressure was low. there was a very small amount of Botrytis/sour rot and some higher- than-normal mite pressure late in the season. oReGon Patty Skinkis Viticulture extension specialist and associate professor oregon State university Both the quantity and quality were high in 2014. there was higher fruitfulness across the state, lead- ing to higher base yields. many growers performed less cluster thinning to maintain acids and delay ripening. most grapes came in at higher Brix than normal for oregon, but viticulturists were able to maintain a good acid balance. Fruit was beautiful and ripe throughout all parts of the state. Weather: the season was one of the warmest on record and re- mained dry and warm for an early harvest. No rains came until well past harvest, and we had an excel- lent post-harvest period. suPPly/demand: Demand was high for pinot Noir, with land acqui- sitions reducing market availability Providing leading wine makers with stainless steel barrels of high quality, durability, and design. phone: 773.735.0700 • toll free: 800.441.8780 • email: 444 Laguna Vista Road Santa Rosa, CA 95401 e-mail: Tel: (707) 537-7787 Fax: (707) 537-7174 Cell: (707) 484-8776 A press cake at okanagan Crush Pad winery in Summerland, B.C. vintage 2014

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