Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 67 available in assorted sizes to fit one, two, four, six, eight and 12 bottles. C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS spokANe iNdustries An attitude of excellence Spokane, wash. p: (509) 241-4116 F: (509) 927-0826 W: e: What's new: introducing the cleanSweep no entry self-cleaning wine fermentor, only from Spokane industries. personnel are no longer exposed to a confined space co 2 haz- ard, improving winemaking efficiency while safeguarding worker safety and health. all operation is performed outside the tank. don't just manage risk, eliminate risk with cleanSweep. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • vine- yard eQuipment • winery eQuipment sprAyiNG systeMs Co. experts in spray technology wheaton, ill. p: (800) 957-7729 F: (888) 957-7729 W: e: What's new: the tankJet 55a tank cleaner provides powerful cleaning of barrels and drums using low flow rates. easy to operate and rebuild, it features narrow angle full cone sprays that rotate in multiple axes for complete cleaning coverage. the tankJet 55a fits in openings as small as 1.75 inch- es and is easily inserted into standard bung holes. C: cooperaGe • SaFety & mainte- nance • winery eQuipment spriNGBoArd WiNe Co. representing unique, small production wineries from all over the world San rafael, calif. p: (415) 492-2035 F: (415) 451-7663 W: e: What's new: copain wines, turnbull wine cellars and Boundary Breaks. C: SaleS & marketinG stANpAC iNk packaging perfection for over 60 years lewiston, n.y. p: (905) 957-3326 F: (905) 957-3616 W: e: What's new: Stanpac ink has transformed its bottle decorating capabilities with a new state-of-the-art facility and equipment. new processes include the addition of organic and uv inks. this flexibility allows more choices for the look and feel of our custom- er's packaging. visit our gallery at stanpac- C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS stAviN iNC. traditional flavor, real economics Sausalito, calif. p: (415) 331-7849 F: (415) 331-0516 W: e: What's new: oak products designed to miti- gate vegetal characteristics. whole line of barrel fingerprinting blends created by dr. Jeff murrell from combinations of all Stavin toasting protocols. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS steAMeriCAs Chemical-free barrel and bottle sanitation with vapor steam inglewood, calif. p: (310) 327-8900 F: (866) 275-3582 W: e: What's new: the new barrel wand tool with digital thermometer sits on top of the barrel and the injector is set in an Fda-approved silicone bung to secure optimum pressure and heat. Steam injects through several out- lets, ensuring a thorough, evenly dispersed cleaning and loosened tartrates. Fits Bor- deaux style barrels, wine or spirits barrels. C: cooperaGe • SaFety & mainte- nance • winery eQuipment suCCess strAteGies iNC. real chemistry happens in person incline village, nev. p: (775) 530-6119 W: e: What's new: private one-on-one coaching in speaking and presentations skills for manage- ment. mystery shoppers for the tasting rooms. C: aSSociationS & education • Fi- nance, leGal & admin ServiceS • SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS suterrA Making the world a better place. Naturally Bend, ore. p: (541) 388-3688 F: (541) 388-3705 W: e: What's new: Suterra is a world leader in bio- rational pest control products. the environ- mentally friendly products use naturally occurring compounds such as pheromones and are non-toxic to humans and animals, leave no harmful residues, do not contami- nate ground water and do not disrupt benefi- cial insect populations. Suterra supports organic farming techniques around the world. C: vineyard SupplieS sWiHArt sAles Co. dual mist sprayers Quinter, kan. p: (800) 864-4595 F: (785) 754-3634 W: e: What's new: ozone sprayer. C: vineyard eQuipment The Global Standard for Quality - US standard 1/2 bbl, 1/6 bbl, and tall 1/4 bbl - Innovative design and manufacturing processes - The only keg manufacturer with US keg service, repair, and rebranding facilities Kwik Kegs - US standard keg sizes ready to ship directly from stock - Order any keg size and quantity - Embossing and silk screening available for all sizes and quantities Mark Carpenter, Franke Beverage Systems, Inc., 166 Jefferson Pike, LaVergne, TN, 37086 Phone: 615.462.4334, Fax: 615.462.4734, Email: The world's leading provider of stainless steel beverage containers Search online for suppliers at winesandvines

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