Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 59 Most Affordable High Quality Electric Pruner McMillAN desiGN Group Creative designs providing unique and successful solutions San anselmo, calif. p: (415) 524-8937 W: e: What's new: printing brokering for less than market prices on printing and packaging needs of our clients. C: it SolutionS • packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG MepCo lABel systeMs total customer satisfaction since 1912 lodi, calif. p: (209) 946-0201 F: (209) 946-0164 W: What's new: mepco label Systems launched its new website in September. Services now include flexible packaging. C: packaGinG MerCAder Cork usA When tradition and experience provide quality to the product healdsburg, calif. p: (707) 395-4765 F: (707) 395-4760 W: e: What's new: the mercader cork Group con- siders research and development to be a primary factor in its management. our tca reduction and extraction (tcare), a sys- tem that reduces and removes volatile com- pounds from cork, provides added value. hot vapor is applied for more than 72 hours, reducing tca to less than 1 ng/l. C: packaGinG MerCier tonnelier d'aujourd'hui napa, calif. p: (707) 321-9640 W: e: What's new: introducing the affinity barrel, created by a proprietary mix of fire and wa- ter-bending that softens tannins and high- lights vineyard terroir and fruit aspects. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment tHe MeritAGe Co. iNC. promote your brand with our customized wine accessories Sonoma, calif. p: (707) 935-3770 F: (707) 935-1722 W: e: What's new: the meritage co. is the direct importer of a unique, high-quality selection of products including Farfalli italian wine openers, the original dropStop disc and arti- san-made leather goods. C: taStinG roomS MetliFe AGriCulturAl iNvestMeNts your lender of choice for farm and ranch mortgages Fresno, calif. p: (559) 435-0206 F: (559) 435-0210 W: What's new: Scott Gay joined the metlife agricultural investments team. with a back- ground in coastal wine grapes, Gay previ- ously held positions at Silverado premium properties and treasury wine estates. Gay will focus on coastal wine grapes at metlife, offering competitive long-term fixed-rate mortgages for both vineyards and wineries. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS MetroHM usA iNC. Focused on the right instruments and applications for your winery riverview, Fla. p: (866) metrohm F: (813) 316-4900 W: e: What's new: a new series of automated, high-throughput titration systems for the analysis of titratable acidity, ph, So 2 , fluo- ride and chloride ions in wines and musts. metrohm titrators offer up to 115 samples and require no prior preparation or degas- sing. our newest systems are capable of running simultaneous ta or ta/So 2 . C: FacilitieS & conStruction • vine- yard eQuipment • winery eQuipment • winery ServiceS Meyer iNdustries (tHe rodeNAtor) rodenator leaves pests dead and buried emmett, idaho p: (800) 750-4553 F: (208) 365-3338 W: e: What's new: rodenator's new rental pro- gram allows customers to rent a rodenator system directly from the factory. customers can purchase the system and deduct the rental fees from the cost, or pay the weekly rental fee until the system is purchased. approximately 95% of renters become owners. C: vineyard eQuipment MiCroWorks teCHNoloGies iNC. the business side of wine napa, calif. p: (707) 224-9620 F: (707) 224-9622 W: e: What's new: microworks now offers mobile poS. an optional docking station provides connectivity to a receipt printer, cash drawer and more. microworks new e-commerce in- tegration seamlessly connects your tasting room and e-commerce systems. customers and purchases are updated in real-time; members can update their profile online, receive benefits and deplete orders from inventory. C: it SolutionS MidWest CoNtAiNer systeMs llC your source for ergonomic lift assist and material handling products rogers, minn. p: (763) 533-4532 F: (763) 533-9260 W: e: What's new: the eZ loader self-contained lift and rotating device positions pallets during the loading and unloading of cased product. C: vineyard eQuipment • winery eQuipment MilAMAr CoAtiNGs llC epoxy and urethane concrete, coatings and floor systems oklahoma city, okla. p: (405) 755-8448 F: (405) 755-8450 W: e: 2014 supplier Guide

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