Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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56 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 key teCHNoloGy iNC. sorting excellence. processing knowledge. Conveying efficiency walla walla, wash. p: (509) 529-2161 F: (509) 527-1331 W: e: What's new: the compact vitiSort optical grape sorter combines a mechanical moG removal shaker and optical sorting with an integral juice-recovery system, offering world-class sorting performance at a unique level of affordability. ideal for wineries pro- ducing 5,000 to 50,000 cases per year, vi- tiSort sorts up to 5 tons of red grapes per hour. C: winery eQuipment kNiGHts GrApeviNe Nursery on guard against viruses knights landing, calif. p: (530) 776-9296 F: (530) 776-0717 W: e: What's new: knights Grapevine nursery is now offering virus testing on every plant to ensure you receive the cleanest, healthiest plant for your vineyard growing needs. C: vineyard SupplieS koHAM llC A cut above casper, wyo. p: (307) 337-2810 F: (307) 337-2811 W: e: What's new: the koham electric pruning shear line includes the Blue pro model elec- tric pruner and the red wizard model elec- tric pruner. Both models are now available through our north american office or through our websites at and C: vineyard eQuipment kuriyAMA oF AMeriCA iNC. the kuriyama value: your one-stop shop hose and accessory supplier Schaumburg, ill. p: (847) 755-0360 F: (847) 885-0996 W: e: What's new: tim o'neill is the new market- ing manager at kuriyama of america. C: vineyard SupplieS • winery eQuip- ment l lA GArde (A divisioN oF sMl stAiNless steel Group) Better design, better tanks, better wines – optimize your winery Québec, Qc, canada p: (800) 263-5170 F: (418) 872-0366 W: e: What's new: la Garde's beautiful cubic and rectangular tanks can now be tailor-made in sizes from 100 gallons up to 8,000 gallons. plan the layout of your winery with the help of la Garde's designers, who will show you how to maximize floor space. C: winery eQuipment tHe lABel AlliANCe iNC. An alliance of craftsmen, valued vendors and valuable clients Santa ana, calif. p: (714) 557-4814 F: (714) 545-4382 W: e: What's new: Further refinements in multi- level, deeply detailed embossing and foiling. improved methods for wine labels subjected to ice bucket immersion. please contact John Stacey at (949) 463-3872 or jasta- for complete information. C: packaGinG lABel Art oF CAliForNiA Worldwide printer of pressure-sensitive and paper wine label stocks oakland, calif. p: (800) 451-7979 F: (800) 465-5454 W: e: What's new: digital and flexographic print- ing on non-adhesive wine stock. C: packaGinG • winery eQuipment lABel solutioNs providing customers with what they need, not what we have to sell rochelle park, n.J. p: (201) 599-0909 F: (201) 599-9888 W: e: What's new: please ask label Solutions about string tags for bottle necks. C: packaGinG lABeltroNiX Moving customers forward anaheim, calif. p: (800) 429-4321 F: (800) 419-1555 W: e: What's new: labeltronix has continued to expand their arctic Shield line to now in- clude arctic Shield estate #4, a sophisti- cated, waterproof uncoated white paper with laid finish. C: packaGinG lAFFort usA l'oenologie par nature: innovative and high-quality products petaluma, calif. p: (707) 775-4530 F: (707) 775-4537 W: e: What's new: Shaun richardson is the new general manager and matt Brain is the new central coast technical rep. Sales rep dar- ren michaels is now covering oregon and washington, while sales rep lindsey otis took over Sonoma and mendocino counties. new products include liquid enzymes, Su- perstart Blanc and Superstart rouge, and a new yeast ch09. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS lAkeWood Cork quality closures and experience, personal service watkins Glen, n.y. p: (607) 535-9252 F: (607) 535-6656 W: e: What's new: now carrying carat micro-ag- glomerated corks. this affordable closure allows your wine buyers to have the "pulling the cork" experience, yet costs less than most other cork closures. C: packaGinG lAlleMANd iNC. selecting the best from nature petaluma, calif. p: (707) 526-9809 W: e: What's new: the new wine yeast, lalvin icv okay, received a citation award in the in- novation category from Sitevi 2013. the successive back-crossing between an excel- lent fermenting wine yeast and a yeast with very low production of sulfur compounds combines reliable fermentation performance and low production of So 2 , h 2 S and acetaldehyde. C: winery SupplieS leFt CoAst oils private label solutions for tasting rooms, wine clubs, wine bars healdsburg, calif. p: (707) 684-0118 W: e: What's new: crushed blood orange olive oil, crushed persian lime olive oil, infused garlic olive oil, infused rosemary olive oil, infused basil olive oil and pomegranate balsamic vinegar. C: taStinG roomS liquid trAde solutioNs Converting under-performing liabilities into assets napa, calif. p: (707) 252-7607 F: (707) 260-7710 W: e: What's new: liquid trade Solutions wel- comes Sara Guzman as operations manager. Guzman will grow the business with the help of account manager isaiah abeyta and president andrew Siegal. the ltS team looks forward to the prospect of customizing trade opportunities for your company. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS loCkWood MANuFACturiNG elegant storage solutions livonia, mich. p: (734) 425-5330 W: e: What's new: new powdercoat paint colors for standard and custom aluminum wine racks. C: taStinG roomS loGGerHeAd deCo iNC. Glass bottle decorating west chicago, ill. p: (630) 206-3747 W: e: What's new: new kammann k15cnc high- speed glass bottle screen printer. tom ko- siba was hired and will be responsible for new business development. kosiba can be reached at C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS loGiC iNC. effective, eco-friendly cleansers for wineries trexlertown, pa. p: (608) 658-2866 F: (866) 745-9428 W: e: What's new: Barrel oxyFresh is designed for wine barrels to remove organic soils, de- stain wood and minimize potential residues. oxygen, the primary active ingredient, pro- duces a natural but aggressive solution to break down soils and molds while condition- ing the barrel. Barrel oxyFresh reverts to naturally occurring minerals in a short time, making it non-hazardous and non-corrosive. C: winery eQuipment • winery Sup- plieS loHre & AssoCiAtes iNC. Marketing communications and green building consulting cincinnati, ohio p: (877) 608-1736 F: (513) 961-1192 W: e: What's new: u.S. Green Building council (uSGBc) leadership in energy and environ- mental design (leed) commercial project documentation services. C: SaleS & marketinG Search online for suppliers at winesandvines 2014 supplier Guide

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