78 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4
shows. the first wines & vines oak confer-
ence focused on oak, oak barrels and oak
add-ins for wine will be held Feb. 11, 2015.
the second annual wines & vines packaging
conference will be held aug. 19, 2015.
C: aSSociationS & education • puBli-
cationS • SaleS & marketinG
the professional's choice
Sebastopol, calif.
p: (888) 656-5553 F: (707) 824-7905
W: winesecrets.com
e: info@winesecrets.com
What's new: the winesecrets veteran hiring
initiative has a total of five new hires. veterans
in the program are trained and graduated
into the wine industry as seasoned cellar
workers and beyond. Going back to its eco-
performance roots, winesecrets implemented
new wine-filtration technologies to aid in water
recovery and offered water filtration options.
C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment •
winery ServiceS
visitor insights made easy
napa, calif.
p: (888) 244-6127
W: winetastingtrends.com
e: sales@winetastingtrends.com
What's new: winetastingtrends.com is now
offering insight services for special events,
providing the same insights as provided for
your tasting room experience.
C: SaleS & marketinG • taStinG roomS
WiNetrACker iNC.
streamline your wine
Blarisden, calif.
p: (415) 378-1430
W: winetrackerinc.com
e: adam@winetrackerinc.com
What's new: winetracker is a web-based
management system for bottling wine. Staff
can see a snapshot of the work in progress
and coordinate, track and manage the entire
bottling event, including developing sched-
ules and setting reminders. winetracker was
designed specifically to make the bottling
process easier, more efficient and more eco-
nomical for wineries.
C: it SolutionS
WiNeWeB eNterprises iNC.
technology. value
Santa Fe, n.m.
p: (888) 236-0058 F: (888) 236-1439
W: wineweb.com/services
e: sales@wineweb.com
What's new: enhancements to all wineweb
enterprises service offerings, including the
seamless integration of tablets and smart-
phones in the retail sales environment.
C: it SolutionS • SaleS & marketinG
World CooperAGe
Crafting partnerships
napa, calif.
p: (707) 255-5900 F: (707) 255-5952
W: worldcooperage.com
e: info@worldcooperage.com
What's new: added infrared toasts to the
profile series. each infrared toast is created
using targeted combinations of electromag-
netic wavelengths to highlight different fla-
vors and textures. the aroma profile offers a
spectrum of oak aromatics to accent forward
fruit characters and richness on the mid pal-
ate, while the reflection profile lifts and
enhances fruit character with mild oak and
light aromatics.
C: cooperaGe
World WiNe Bottles
quality glass for less – best in glass and
napa, calif.
p: (707) 339-2102 F: (707) 294-6235
W: worldwinebottles.com
e: neil@worldwinebottles.com
What's new: world wine Bottles & packag-
ing is celebrating its fifth year of supplying
both u.S. and overseas quality glass for less.
this year we have offered expert comparison
shopping so wineries can evaluate the best
packaging solutions. Saving money for win-
eries is our goal.
C: packaGinG • SaleS & marketinG
XpressFill By viGNeroN
speCiAlty produCts
technology to bottle your passion
San luis obispo, calif.
p: (805) 541-0100 F: (805) 541-0123
W: xpressfill.com
e: info@xpressfill.com
What's new: new model XF2500 beer and
carbonated beverage filler.
C: winery eQuipment • winery SupplieS
expert producer and supplier
of premium oak alternatives
windsor, calif.
p: (707) 836-9742 F: (707) 836-9759
W: xtraoak.com
e: sales@xtraoak.com
What's new: american oak Xoakers are one-
inch solid oak spheres made from premium
oak wood seasoned 36 months, perfect for
precise and uniform additions of oak to neu-
tral whisky barrels. Simply add to the barrel
and roll out during barrel emptying, varying
the dosage based on the age of the barrel,
desired wood impact, temperature and
C: cooperaGe
Sell to your target
audience with the
Wines & Vines
Contact us for more details.
(866) 453-9701
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winery & vineyard
Supplier Guide online at
2014 supplier Guide