Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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70 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 toNNellerie st. MArtiN NortH AMeriCAN the excellence of the tradition paso robles, calif. p: (805) 226-5622 F: (805) 226-5623 W: e: What's new: limited release of the new Saint martin Fontainebleau barrels in the north american market. Similar in matura- tion and tight grain structure to allier bar- rels, Fontainebleau's tannins are finer, softer and more expressive. Fontainebleau is avail- able in 225l, 228l and 400l sizes and in all toast levels. C: cooperaGe toNNellerie tArANsAud the finest French oak barrels cognac, cedex, France p: (415) 549-7333 W: What's new: taransaud's new pure t barrel, designed for high-end Burgundy-style white wines, was developed to respect the fresh- ness of the wine and enhance the fruit char- acteristics and aromas. pure t is the result of in-house research, with proprietary work on anti-oxidant capacity, and trials per- formed with over 20 wineries in the u.S. and europe. C: cooperaGe • winery eQuipment top it oFF BottliNG our customers always come first napa, calif. p: (707) 252-3330 F: (707) 252-0339 W: e: What's new: top it off Bottling opened a state-of-the-art blending and bottling facility in napa, calif. the 25,000-square-foot fa- cility houses 12 3,500-gallon stainless tanks and four 12,500-gallon stainless tanks. crush or barrels are not offered, but top it off Bottling can blend, bottle and get your product out to market. C: warehouSinG / ShippinG • winery ServiceS trANsitioN equipMeNt Co. specializing in used equipment for wine, beverage and packaging Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 537-7787 F: (707) 537-7174 W: e: What's new: transition equipment co. pur- chases and sells used bottling and produc- tion equipment of all types, primarily in the northwest, but also across the u.S., canada, mexico and overseas. twenty-four years in business specializing in used equipment for every size and need. C: winery eQuipment tri-s Be conspicuous portland, ore. p: (503) 620-2941 F: (503) 620-0277 W: e: What's new: tri-S now offers a new eco- friendly foil application process for wine bottles without the use of heavy or precious metals. the foils are uv light cured instead of oven cured. repacking services, including bulk to case, and general printing services including point of sale, marketing and pro- motional items are now available. C: packaGinG triCorBrAuN WiNepAk the power of options Fairfield, calif. p: (707) 399-5800 F: (707) 399-5850 W: e: What's new: pouches are available in 750ml, 1.5-liter, 1.75-liter and 3-liter sizes. pouches offer higher levels of wine quality and reduced shipping costs. wine kegs are available and hold the equivalent of 26 bot- tles. kegs require less storage space, elimi- nate breakage and are more economical than bottles. C: packaGinG triMBle NAviGAtioN ltd. transforming the way the world works westminster, colo. p: (800) 874-6253 W: e: What's new: trimble's Soil information Sys- tem (SiS) provides in-depth 3-d soil data, allowing users to proactively overcome soil variability and aiding in irrigation layout, moisture sensor targeting and root stock se- lection. access SiS data and key informa- tion such as rainfall totals, weather forecasts, yield mapping and fleet manage- ment through trimble's connected Farm and Farm works management software. C: it SolutionS • vineyard eQuipment tru – /tAN (oAk solutioNs Group) innovative oak tannins napa, calif. p: (707) 259-4988 F: (707) 294-6363 W: e: What's new: oak Solutions Group has launched two new tru – /tan enological tannin blends: fi (fruit intensive) and vb (volume boost). tru – /tan fi intensifies fruit character when applied at fermentation. tru – /tan vb builds the mid-palate while offering a broad- er mouthfeel, added refinement and multi- layered complexity. all tru – /tan blends are 100% natural, conform with the enological codex and dissolve easily. C: cooperaGe trust iNterNAtioNAl Corp. the leading supplier of Hungarian oak Jupiter, Fla. p: (561) 540-4043 F: (561) 540-4048 W: e: What's new: now offering ap John pennsyl- vania oak barrels. trust international corp. became direct representatives for Foudrerie Joseph Francois, offering round and oval custom-made wooden tanks for wine storage and fermentation. C: cooperaGe turreNtiNe BrokerAGe trusted and strategic advisors, delivering customized solutions novato, calif. p: (415) 209-9463 F: (415) 209-0079 W: e: What's new: the new, fully updated edition of the turrentine outlook is published each year in June, providing unique insight into the supply dynamics of grapes and bulk wine. this market intelligence is of critical importance to marketers, brand owners and grape growers. the turrentine outlook deliv- ers data snapshots not available anywhere else. C: SaleS & marketinG • warehouSinG "People, Product, Profit Without top people, you cannot do much with the others." - Malcolm Forbes Discover the Difference of Our Specialized Services: It's Our Niche It's Our Network It's Our Approach It's Our Guarantee! WWW.RECRUITINGASSOCIATESNETWORK.COM Tel: 707-931-4707 822 College Avenue, Ste. B, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Search online for suppliers at winesandvines 2014 supplier Guide

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