Wines & Vines

November 2014 Equipment, Supplies and Services Issue

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62 W i n e s & V i n e s n O V e M b e r 2 0 1 4 o oCi excellence in wood for your wine waverly, ohio p: (740) 947-4159 F: (740) 947-4155 W: e: What's new: oci would like to introduce the installation of a new automated stave mill. C: cooperaGe • winery SupplieS o-i (oWeNs-illiNois) Honest, pure, iconic glass perrysburg, ohio p: (567) 336-8613 W: e: What's new: o-i's glass packaging reflects the passion and artistry of the wines they hold. a spectrum of possibilities through a variety of shapes, colors and finish options can be found at wine in our new catalog. C: packaGinG oAk iNFusioN spirAl By tHe BArrel Mill the oak infusion spiral: the smartest oak alternative avon, minn. p: (800) 201-7125 F: (320) 356-9131 W: e: What's new: oak Spiral barrel packs with pre-blended combinations of toasts that give more complexity to wine aged in neutral bar- rels. Blends available in French, american and eastern european oaks. C: cooperaGe oeNodiA sustainable, zero additives, 100% satisfaction napa, calif. p: (707) 486-4651 F: (707) 260-6400 W: e: What's new: StarS/ed Zerowaste offers 30% to 40% water savings over chillers with evaporators. immediate and guaranteed tar- trate stabilization with no additives. reduce 96% of energy consumption while managing and reducing water consumption to about 1%. compare StarS/ed Zerowaste to cold stabilization, where 3% to 5% of water is used for tank cleaning. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • win- ery eQuipment • winery ServiceS oeNoWood iNterNAtioNAl Commerce and consulting in ultrapremium oenological wood solutions cognac, France p: +33 5172 24002 F: +33 9722 72015 W: e: What's new: new BarriQ tronçais and Jupil- les barrel profiles. C: cooperaGe oGletree's iNC. Metal and equipment fabricators since 1946 St. helena, calif. p: (707) 963-3537 F: (707) 963-8217 W: e: What's new: using years of grape process- ing experience, ogletree's developed a new line of small-batch, value-based grape re- ceiving and processing equipment as well as a high-volume roll-type grape-sorting system. plan ahead and contact ogletree's for more information for the 2015 harvest. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • vine- yard eQuipment • winery eQuipment orCHArd vAlley supply iNC. No vines, no wines...just everything in between harrisburg, n.c. p: (888) 755-0098 F: (704) 455-4952 W: e: What's new: rejex-it makes treated grapes, cherries and blueberries unpalatable to all birds, including turkeys. rejex-it can be ap- plied as a spray, with a fogger or a fan, and works as a sensory repellent, irritating the mouth and stomach of birds without causing adverse physiological reactions. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard SupplieS orderoso Mobile sales management tools for the wine industry encinitas, calif. p: (888) 342-9086 W: e: What's new: three-tier marketing manage- ment. distribute the collateral that drives your brand story, query granular sales data and gain valuable insight into your product performance in real time. C: it SolutionS orioN WiNe soFtWAre Winery erp and enterprise production systems Santa rosa, calif. p: (877) 632-3155 F: (707) 545-5298 W: e: What's new: orion is proud to announce mobile and cloud extensions to its suite of applications. Built on a world-class platform, wimS cloud extends wimS with true mobile apps, built-in collaboration, dynamic report- ing and customizable dashboards. the new mobile version of orion's leading poS solu- tion will change the way you interact with tasting room customers. C: it SolutionS • taStinG roomS oro AGri iNC. safe, environmentally friendly crop protection and yield-boosting solutions Fresno, calif. p: (559) 442-4996 W: e: What's new: please find more information about oro agri production on the updated website. C: vineyard eQuipment • vineyard SupplieS P p&l speCiAlties Fabricating a new future Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 573-3141 F: (707) 573-3140 W: e: What's new: improve your grape-handling quality, whether from scratch or integrating new units. our high level of craftsmanship and innovative product development con- struct efficient, reliable machines. manufac- turing proprietary equipment such as moG sorters (le trieur), incline sorters (consista- Flow) and receiving hoppers (consista-hop- per) to design a low-labor, high quality yield. C: FacilitieS & conStruction • SaFety & maintenance • winery eQuipment pACiFiC FresH iNterNAtioNAl California wine grapes for wineries and winemakers reedley, calif. p: (559) 638-3600 W: e: What's new: celebrating the 50th anniver- sary of our ma ma mia brand grapes. C: winery SupplieS pACiFiC WiNeMAkiNG llC solutions, supplies and service for your quality winemaking Sherwood, ore. p: (503) 419-7942 F: (510) 764-9713 W: e: What's new: pacific winemaking is proud to announce it now distributes diam techni- cal closures in the pacific northwest. ex- panded rental services were added to aid winemakers with the removal of taints and crossflow filtration. the new interactive web- site at allows faster and more comprehensive research on tech- nologies and available products. C: cooperaGe • packaGinG • winery eQuipment • winery ServiceS • win- ery SupplieS pACkAGe deviCes llC Automated packaging equipment and inspection solutions San Francisco, calif. p: (415) 672-2159 F: (415) 358-8356 W: e: What's new: package devices is excited to introduce several new wine industry prod- ucts. united Barcode Systems printers now feature upgraded software, simplifying label data uploading and modification as well as a new head design for better performance. package devices also represents Ft Sys- tem's bottling inspection systems, including camera-based vision and laser oxygen detec- tion systems. C: winery eQuipment pAk-it produCts A wholesale supplier of wine packaging to businesses rising Sun, md. p: (800) 447-2548 F: (410) 214-0112 W: e: What's new: our wine gift box selection has expanded with new size, color and style op- tions. Find us online at C: packaGinG • taStinG roomS pAksourCe iNC. Wineshield by paksource, reinventing wine club packaging Sacramento, calif. p: (916) 446-9500 F: (916) 446-9515 W: e: What's new: pakSource purchased a larger warehouse and production facility to support its growth and better serve clients. the new facility is located at 8460 elder creek road, in Sacramento, calif. C: packaGinG pArker HANNiFiN engineering your success haverhill, mass. p: (978) 858-0505 F: (978) 556-7501 W: e: What's new: the Filtration and Separation division of parker hannifin corp., the global leader in motion and control technologies, has redesigned its pSa nitrogen generators to significantly improve performance. the new models offer flow rates up to 50% to 180% higher than the previous generation of models. C: winery eQuipment pAsolivo olive oil rANCH Farmed organically and sustainably from our trees to your tin paso robles, calif. p: (805) 227-0186 W: e: What's new: mustards, tapenades, vinegars, oils, pickled items and more. C: taStinG roomS tHe persoNNel perspeCtive organizational excellence through people Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 576-7653 F: (707) 576-8190 W: e: What's new: executive and key manager coaching support to increase skills in critical areas of performance or to serve as a confi- dential sounding board. C: Finance, leGal & admin ServiceS pHoeNiX BArrels usA phoenix barrel rejuvenation Santa rosa, calif. p: (707) 975-5304 W: e: What's new: phoenix Barrels is at a new location at 340 Sutton place in Santa rosa, calif. C: cooperaGe 2014 supplier Guide

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