Wines & Vines

July 2014 Technology Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s J U LY 2 0 1 4 33 IVIS Innovative Vinology Information Systems Go beyond Production & into QMS THINK OUTSIDE THE BOTTLE Mobile Solutions For Wineries A full suite of mobile marketing tools for wineries, including: Mobile Coupons • Image Recognition on Wine Labels Mobile Websites • SMS • Augmented Reality • CRM Integration Bottle shaped Custom QR Rebates & Loyalty • Social Integration & Referrals Richard Neumann • 707.240.4444 Text: Wine To: 811-811 Full Service Implementations | Age Verifi cation Data Capture Mechanisms | Reporting, Tracking and Analytics tion into your current financial software, such as Quickbooks. Depletions The depletion rates of a winery's products in the sales arena are an important tool for communicating product sales rates for re-order planning. This is not generally a stand-alone product but one that exists as part of a larger product group. Most of the suite programs include a module for depletion reports. There are other pro- gram suites that focus on analytics of the beverage industry such as GreatVines Beverage Selling Solutions. Their target is the alcohol industry in general, and they have tools to help in depletions, market analytics and more. Direct-to-consumer, e-commerce, wine club and POS The direct-to-consumer section is further divided into two subsections: e-commerce and wine club/point-of-sale (POS). These sections are interrelated in that there are 76 companies that provide direct-to-con- sumer software, with 54 offering e-com- merce solutions and 50 that manage wine club/POS transactions and relationships. In the area of direct sales to wine industry consumers, it would be best to pick one of the 25 companies that can handle all three sales channels. DTC is the section where the winery manages sales and marketing directly to customers. The e-commerce section handles the transactions that happen via winery websites with respect to sales and marketing, while the wine club and POS areas handle sales activi- ties at winery retail stores and the man- agement of the various wine clubs. The companies that offer all three tend to have a complete suite of modules like Orion and Microworks. Web With 114 companies offering web soft- ware for the wine industry, these software providers far outnumber those in any of the other sections. The reason for this is that many website builders can build a website for a winery, but they don't need to be incredibly familiar with the industry to do a good job. Functionality and per- sonal preference for the design are really all that wineries need in this area. Wrapping up When it comes to software, wineries have a lot to choose from as they improve digi- tal information management. Many times what works for a winery's scale of opera- tion today will not scale to the next level. As a winery's business grows, planning for the digital future of the business will become as important as planning to pur- chase the next wine press. Future articles in this series will delve into the workings of several of software companies to pro- vide an understanding of the functionality of their products and what wineries can expect to get out of the software. Winery sales staff can use GreatVines software to track depletions and re-orders. Fetzer chose CFNapa to create its website due to its familiarity with the wine industry. For details about technology suppliers, see Wines & Vines' 2014 Buyer's Guide in print or visit us online at Orion software is equipped with winemaking functions as well as sales management tools. c o v e r s t o r y

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