2013 supplier GUIDE
Spec Trellising
When quality counts
Ivyland, Pa.
P: (800) 237-4594 F: (215) 357-3122
W: spectrellising.com
E: info@spectrellising.com
What's new: Albrigi stainless steel tanks.
C: Cooperage • Vineyard Equipment •
Vineyard Supplies • Winery
pers of glass bottle items such as coffee,
olive oil, honey, juices and waters.
C: Packaging
Spectrum Technologies Inc.
To measure is to know
Aurora, Ill.
P: (800) 248-8873 F: (815) 436-4460
W: specmeters.com
E: info@specmeters.com
What's new: WatchDog Cellular Frost Alert
is a placed-as-needed, where-needed unit to
monitor temperature. When the temperature
limit is reached, a cell phone call is made to
alert the grower.
C: Vineyard Equipment
Spirited Shipper
Go green with the spirited shipper
Long Island City, N.Y.
P: (800) 730-7447 F: (718) 361-0012
W: spiritedshipper.com
E: shipit@spiritedshipper.com
What's new: New Spirited Shipper wineshipping box made exclusively for 375ml
bottle and beer bottles. Spirited Shipper
expanded its customer base to include ship-
Spokane Industries
An attitude of excellence
Spokane, Wash.
P: (509) 921-8868 F: (509) 927-0826
W: spokaneindustries.com
E: ken@spokaneindustries.com
What's new: Kevin Garasky is the regional
sales manager covering Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and Montana as well as Alberta and
British Columbia, Canada. Bringing a successful background of sales and businessmanagement experience encompassing the
insurance, financial services and medical
supply fields, Garasky is excited to work with
people who share his passion for winemaking.
C: Facilities & Construction • Vineyard Equipment • Winery Equipment
Spraying Systems Co.
Experts in spray technology
Wheaton, Ill.
P: (800) 957-7729 F: (888) 957-7729
W: tankjet.com E: info@spray.com
What's new: TankJet 55 tank cleaner provides fast and powerful cleaning of drums and
barrels. Removes tough residues quickly and
effectively using low-flow rates. Fast cycle
times allow the cleaning of multiple drums or
barrels in minutes. Compatible with a variety
of pumps, including pressure washers.
C: Cooperage • Safety & Maintenance • Winery Equipment
StaVin Inc.
Traditional flavor, real economics
Sausalito, Calif.
P: (415) 331-7849 F: (415) 331-0516
W: stavin.com E: info@stavin.com
What's new: Green solution blend for problematic wines.
C: Cooperage • Winery Equipment •
Winery Supplies
Stanpac Inc.
Packaging perfection for over 60 years
Lewiston, N.Y.
P: (905) 957-3326 F: (905) 957-3616
W: stanpacnet.com
E: info@stanpacnet.com
What's new: Organic and UV printing capabilities available in December and January
with the installation of new container-printing equipment. Stanpac will be moving to a
new location designed exclusively for glass
container decorating.
C: Packaging • Tasting Rooms
Stealth Mark
The branding protection experts
Centerville, Minn.
P: (651) 765-9560 F: (651) 765-9562
W: stealthmark.com
E: solutions@stealthmark.com
What's new: Stealth Mark plans to release a
secure tape and shrink wrap solution as well
as a unique tamper-proof packing tape solution with the customer's name or unique
branding and Stealth Mark microparticles.
C: Packaging
Star Filters (Hilliard Corp.)
Filtration for the wine
and beverage industry
Elmira, N.Y.
P: (607) 733-7121 F: (607) 735-0836
W: starfilters.com
E: hilliard@hilliardcorp.com
What's new: Territory changes with our
regional sales managers.
C: Winery Equipment • Winery
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