Wines & Vines

August 2014 Closures Issue

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W i n e s & V i n e s A U G U s T 2 0 1 4 51 Those wheels allow for flexible use of the space: When the tasting room is used for special events such as a chamber music concert, the display units can be rolled out of the way or into another location. "It allows for versatile use of the space," Hunt noted. "We can have a yoga class or a din- ner meeting or a concert for 120 people." The winery expands The original wine-production facility for Hunt Country was in the farm's barn, which was built in the 1880s. Hunt was fortunate that the barn was built into a slope, and it was possible to unload grapes on the upper level and move them into the crusher/destemmer or into the press with- out having to use a pump for that stage of the process. The location of their barn was happenstance, but as the winery grew and more space was needed, Hunt began to realize that one of the most important fac- ets of being sustainable to the greatest degree possible requires planning ahead and taking advantage of the assets your situation presents. "You need to lay out your buildings so they fit together," Hunt stated. The base- ment floor of the Hunt Country tasting room is on the same level as the ware- house where the case goods are stored, so a forklift can move a pallet of wine from the warehouse to the tasting room with- out going uphill. "Plan ahead in other ways: Anytime you pour concrete, think about whether you might put a roof over it someday. You have one chance to do this, and it's relatively cheap. Insulate Two Line photo caption to go here, if re- quired for lenghty descriptions. Wine and sparkling wine capsule machines INNOVATIVE. FLEXIBLE. ECONOMICAL. Emmendinger Maschinenbau GmbH Am Elzdamm 32 D-79312 Emmendingen Fon: +49 7641 92 42-0 Experience, know-how and modern technology – for individual solutions and an economical capsule production on highest quality level! EMB_AZ_89x124mm_GB.indd 1 01.07.14 10:05 "Cleanliness is the basic condition for wine quality." - Emile Peynaud BENEFITS OF AIRD CLEANING PRODUCTS • Specially formulated for the wine industry • No chlorine, other halogens, phosphates, silicates or fillers • Safer, less environmental impact than bulk chemical cleaners The winery installed a geothermal heating and cooling system with funding from a state grant. G R A P E G R O W I N G W I N E M A K I N G

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