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W i n e s & V i n e s A U G U s T 2 0 1 4 33 CEO Tim Keller described the product: "We start with the most reliable closure system available, the 30 x 60 ROPP (roll- on pilfer-proof) screwcap, then add our patent-pending liner, which admits nano- scale quantities of oxygen. "These very small amounts of oxygen help enhance and enrich the wine in the bottle. The highly engineered liner vastly improves the consistency of the screwcap closure compared to other, more inconsis- tent liners," Keller said. Three different OTRs are available: light, 0.08mg oxygen per year; medium, 0.16mg; and medium plus, 0.37mg. These are achieved via a patent-pending, oxygen-regulating liner consisting of pharmaceu- tical-grade, high-density elastomer for consistent sealing and compression-set resistance; upper polyester (PET) layer for initial oxy- gen regulation; vapor-de- posited aluminum coating to fine-tune OTR; a lower PET layer to encapsulate aluminum and provide a food-grade contact surface. Heavy-gauge films through- out the liner eliminate wrin- kling during application to improve the seal's consistency. All the closures are priced the same, Keller said, and they are suitable for the entire range of wine price points. "Winer- ies definitely use our light, medium and medium plus SmartCaps on different vari- etals," he said. In general, however, light is applied to Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Pinot Gris/Grigio and rosé, while medium works for Chardonnay, Viognier, Pinot Noir and Merlot, and medium plus is well suited to Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Sangiovese, Zinfandel and Bordeaux-style blends. Keller summed up two related trends: "The first is that more wineries are add- ing screwcaps to their mix of closures." They start with a white varietal or rosé, expanding to more varietals and/or high- end labels, he observed. Second, "Almost every winery we talk to that doesn't already use screwcap is actively switching at least some of their production to screwcap," he said. "As VinPerfect shifts the value proposition to include post-bottling oxygen manage- ment, we expect more of those fence- sitters to make that shift." How to decide In the end, closure decisions are nearly as complex as the winemaking process, and OTR is only one aspect of the final equa- tion. The image and desired market for each wine must be considered along with sustainability issues, price points, poten- tial aging and consumer acceptance. Winemakers should consider how their wines will taste when they are, sooner or later, opened by a consumer. Reputable suppliers will provide data to help walk you through the decision-making process. And don't be surprised if you decide on different closures for different wines, and change the plan along the way. Pharmaceutical-grade, high-density elastomer ensures consistent sealing performance and resists compression set. Upper polyester (PET) layer performs initial oxygen regulation. Vapor-deposited aluminum coating fine-tunes oxygen transmission. Lower polyester (PET) layer encapsulates the aluminum and provides a food-grade contact surface. C L O S U R E S VinPerfect's Smartcap is available with three different OTRs. vInPERfECT