Wines & Vines

January 2016 Unified Symposium Issue

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164 WINES&VINES January 2016 GRAPEGROWING WINE EAST ished with harvest date in 2011. Ethyl butyrate was likewise re- duced in 2012 but only present at T2 in 2011. Ethyl caproate followed the same trend but was present in all harvest dates in 2011. Ethyl hep- tanoate was present in 2012 only with an increase between T1 and T2. Diethyl acetate was only pres- ent in T0 (2011), and in FC/T2 in 2012. Among alcohols, isoamyl alcohol increased slightly with har- vest date in 2012. Phenethyl alco- hol decreased relative to delayed harvest. Isobutyl alcohol was only detected in 2012 wines with reduc- tions relative to harvest date. Among other compounds, octanoic acid was reduced with delayed har- vest in 2011 only. Citronellol was only detected in 2012 wines with reductions relative to harvest date, and was not present in T2. β-Damascenone was only detected in 2011 wines with a reduction with delayed harvest date. Sensory analysis Pinot Gris: Crop level had very few effects on Pinot Gris in both seasons (data not shown). Reducing crop level increased body in 2011; crop reduction in 2012 led to lower lev- els of lemon and bread (yeasty) flavors and acidity. Harvest date was responsible for several differ- ences including reductions in lemon (2011) and bread aroma (2012), and increases in honey (2011 and 2012) and floral (2012) aromas. Delayed harvest also increased bread (2011), floral (2012), honey (2012) flavors in addition to body and length (both seasons). Riesling: Crop level had no im- pact on Riesling aroma in either year, but crop reduction reduced apple/pear, peach/apricot and honey flavors in 2011, in addition to decreasing sweetness and in- creasing acidity. A slight decrease in acidity relative to crop reduc- tion was measured in 2012. Nu- m e r o u s a r o m a a n d f l a v o r attributes were impacted by har- vest date ("See Harvest Date and Riesling" on page 159). Delayed harvest increased peach/apricot (2011 and 2012), mango (2011 and 2012), honey (2011) and flo- ral (2012) aromas, and decreased green apple (2011) and grassy (2011) aromas, while apple/pear was highest for T1 wines (2011). Delayed harvest led to increased peach/apricot (2011 and 2012), mango (2011 and 2012), floral (2012), honey (2012), and vanilla flavors (2012), in addition to greater body and length (2011), and enhanced sweetness plus re- duced acidity (2012). Sweetness was reduced and acidity increased by delayed harvest in 2011. De- layed harvest also increased apple/pear and green apple fla- vors in T1 wines (2011). Cabernet Franc: Reduced crop led to reductions in red fruit aroma and flavor in 2011, but the re- sponse was opposite in the much warmer 2012 season. Crop reduc- tions also reduced vegetal aroma and dried fruit flavor in 2012. Nu- merous harvest date-related re- sponses occurred ("See Harvest Date and Cabernet Franc" on page 159); these included increases in dried fruit (2011), earthy (2011), red and dark fruit (2012) aromas, and decreases in red and dark fruit (2011), herbaceous (2011), veg- etal (2012) and earthy (2012) aromas. Flavor attributes that in- creased with delayed harvest in- cluded: dried fruit (2011 and 2012), spicy (2011) and dark fruit (2012), while red fruit (2011) de- clined. Body (2011) likewise in- creased relative to delayed harvest, while astringency and acidity were highest in T1 wines in 2011. Cabernet Sauvignon: Few crop level effects were measured with the exception of increases in dark fruit aroma (2011) and reductions in astringency, bitterness and length (2012). Most of the sensory effects in Cabernet Sauvignon were similar to those measured in Cab- ernet Franc. The majority of har- vest date effects were confined to 2011; delayed harvest increased dried fruit (2011), earthy (2011) and dark fruit (2012) aromas, and ISOAMYL ALCOHOL AND PHENETHYL ALCOHOL Natural Corks Champagne Corks Twinline Corks Bartops VISION Synthetic Corks G-Cap® Screw Caps Sales Representatives: Chris & Liz Stamp 4024 State Route 14 Watkins Glen, NY 14891 607-535-9252 607-535-6656 Fax PIONEER INNOVATOR PARTNER Impact of harvest date (2012) on concentration of isoamyl alcohol (above) and phenethyl alcohol (below) in four wines. T0=normal commercial harvest, T1=three weeks after T0, and T2=three weeks after T1. Different letters within each variety indicate significant differences between harvest dates, p< 0.05. 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Concentration in mg/L Pinot Gris Riesling Cabernet Franc Cabernet Sauvignon n = T0 n = T1 n = T2 25 20 15 10 5 0 Concentration in mg/L Pinot Gris Riesling Cabernet Franc Cabernet Sauvignon n = T0 n = T1 n = T2 b b a a b ab a b ab b b b b a a a a c

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