Wines & Vines

January 2016 Unified Symposium Issue

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January 2016 WINES&VINES 63 TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT ing table to dump directly to a bin if she wants a portion of whole cluster. How much whole cluster depends on stem lignification as well as the typical qualities of a particular vineyard. "We have some vineyards that have typically been very fruity and bright and kind of clean, so I usually don't do whole cluster because it can kind of add this herbaceous, stemmy quality that can be confusing." Other times, a bit of whole cluster can help set color. When a lot appears as if it may need some help, Bridenhagen said she might add 10% to 15% to provide "a little more tannin to fix the color pigment." All of these are nearly bin-by- bin decisions, making a slow and steady sorting process a bit slower and more deliberate. Once the must is collected in bins, Bridenhagen said she inocu- lates with primarily two strains— either Assmanhausen or BRG. The winemaker said she has experi- mented with letting some lots of Chardonnay spontaneously fer- Largest Manufacturer of Grape Stakes Nationwide Visit JSC Booth #906 at the Unifed Symposium! Top Distributor of Gripple The winery only has a few tanks, and they are used primarily for blending, racking and bottling.

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