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p r a c t i c a l w i n e r y & v i n e ya r d J a n U a r y 2 0 1 5 13 c o v e r s t o r y wall (see photo on page 12). In addition to providing valuable hose and pump storage space, this allows for cellar and maintenance personnel to easily and quickly approach and isolate the valves manually in an emergency. It also pro- vides the working space needed by service crews to replace/repair valves and fittings as quickly and efficiently as possible. ing chilled glycol supply and return solenoid valves. In this system's design, a special upper jacket solenoid valve was incorporated to allow flow to the upper cooling jacket only in the cooling mode to cool the cap during fermentation. This is a concept that has been incorporated on many new tank additions at Rodney Strong Vineyards that have a warming feature. During the warming mode, the TankNet controller activates warm gly- col supply and return solenoid valves but with the upper jacket cooling solenoid valve remaining closed, supplying warm glycol to the lower jacket only. "Three additional special features were included in this installation to guard against line breaks and loss of glycol," adds Heasell: • Flex connectors were installed in the glycol piping at the tank jackets to compensate for pipe and equipment movement caused by catwalk move- ment, tank wall movement or even mild earthquakes. During the August 2014 earthquake near Napa, Calif., numer- ous wineries experienced cracked piping and loss of propylene glycol solution. Installation of flex connectors in the gly- col piping should help in this regard. • A glycol line pressure transducer was installed. Upon a loss of glycol pressure, a PLC is specially programmed to deac- tivate the glycol pumps and make an automatic notification. • The piping and valve assemblies were arranged to take advantage of the work space. Facilities manager Larry Solomon, along with APCCO and other contractors, designed the piping layout between the backs of the tanks by hold- ing the assemblies close to the tank Anchor-collars surround tank feet to minimize seismic movement in an earthquake.