Wines & Vines

November 2018 Equipment, Supplies & Services Issue

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2018 VENDOR GUIDE 60 WINES&VINES November 2018 tannin Stabred, Oenotannin Emotion, Selec- tys La Fruitee, Selectys SR, Selectys Italica, Selectys La Croquante, Oenovegan Micro, Oenovegan Finesse, Lysis UC, Lysis First, Lysis Grenat, Gomme Fraicheur, smoke taint mitigation protocol, sparkling wines protocol, rosé wines protocol and custom- ized winemaking protocols. C: COOPERAGE • WINERY EQUIPMENT • WINERY SERVICES • WINERY SUPPLIES YEARS s i n ce 195 4 4 P.O. Box 540, 8 Ashfield Rd. Rt. 116, Conway, MA 01341 800-634-5557 OESCO INC. Grow, protect, harvest and press. Conway, Mass. P: (413) 369-4335 F: (413) 369-4431 W: E: What's New: Smart net zone netting for vineyards. C: VINEYARD EQUIPMENT • VINEYARD SUPPLIES • WINERY EQUIPMENT OGLETREE'S INC. Metal and equipment fabricators since 1946. St. Helena, Calif. P: (707) 963-3537 F: (707) 963-8217 W: E: What's New: Ogletree's, Inc can provide a 3-D model of your system prior to the start of the design process in order to provide a com- prehensive visual representation of your project. The model gives you the opportu- nity to make changes in your design elimi- nating costly changes later in the process. C: FACILITIES & CONSTRUCTION • VINEYARD EQUIPMENT • WINERY EQUIPMENT OMEGA THERMO PRODUCTS LLC The heat transfer specialist. Stratford, Wis. P: (800) 470-1126 F: (715) 687-8053 W: E: What's New: Check out our new website. C: FACILITIES & CONSTRUCTION • VINEYARD EQUIPMENT • WINERY EQUIPMENT ONSET COMPUTER CORP. HOBO data loggers. Bourne, Mass. P: (508) 759-9500 F: (508) 759-9100 W: E: What's New: Onset's HOBOnet Field Monitor- ing System is a cost-effective, scalable solu- tion for crop management, research and greenhouse operations monitoring. Wireless sensors are ready to deploy and easily link to the network, and data is accessed through HOBOlink, Onset's innovative cloud-based software platform. Advantages include low- est cost-per-measurement point, wireless mesh technology that can communicate through vegetation, and alarm notifications when conditions reach user-set thresholds. C: VINEYARD EQUIPMENT OPTEK-DANULAT INC. Worldwide inline process control solutions. Germantown, Wis. P: (888) 837-4288 F: (262) 437-3699 W: E: What's New: Optek-Danulat added to its growing team with the addition of Spencer Rode. Rode is a product and application specialist in the brewing, beverage, food and dairy industries. He will work closely with team leader, Al Worley, to service the industry and provide the latest in beverage processing solutions. C: FACILITIES & CONSTRUCTION • WINERY EQUIPMENT • WINERY SUPPLIES ORDERPORT WINERY SOLUTIONS The best combination of software services, support, security and price. Bellevue, Wash. P: (206) 464-1151 W: E: What's New: OrderPort EMV is compatible with multiple fully mobile EMV chip reader options, allows use of the app on both your iPad and iPhone, provides enhanced CRM features and allows you to get quick ship- ping estimates along with many other fea- tures we love. OrderPort expanded our warehouse integration to include more stor- age and fulfillment centers and we continue to enhance the tools that allow you to con- nect with your customers. C: TECHNOLOGY & INDUSTRY DATA ORION WINE SOFTWARE Manage your entire winery with Orion wine software. Santa Rosa, Calif. P: (877) 632-3155 F: (425) 636-2312 W: E: What's New: Orion is excited to continue building out our Salesforce based, winery- specific cloud platform with the launch of Orion DTC. Orion DTC joins our Orion Wholesale application and accounting to create a seamless order and inventory solu- tion for medium to enterprise-sized wineries. Coming in 2019 is Orion Production, com- pleting our suite on the Salesforce cloud. C: TASTING ROOMS • TECHNOLOGY & INDUSTRY DATA P P&L SPECIALTIES High-performance crushpad equipment. Santa Rosa, Calif. P: (707) 573-3141 F: (707) 573-3140 W: E: What's New: The new 100pt Sorting Table with wider bed and side rails, is designed to integrate with optical sorting machines. The newly designed Consista-Hopper' is perfect for dump and run— even, consistent meter- ing. The Consista-Flow incline conveyor fea- tures an upgraded design, which uses an internal drum motor that provides increased belt grip and longevity. C: FACILITIES & CONSTRUCTION • WINERY EQUIPMENT PACIFIC WINEMAKING LLC Quality solutions, supplies and service for your quality winemaking. Sherwood, Ore. P: (503) 419-7942 F: (510) 764-9713 W: E: What's New: Pacific Winemaking is now the Pacific Northwest agent for TDD-Grilliat — disgorging, bottling and mixing equipment for sparkling wine. We are also now sell and support Boerger Pumps — rotary lobe pumps for soft transfer of must, liquid and lees in small to large applications. Our as- sociation with VA Filtration continues to grow and we have machines for large filtra- tion and taint removal in Sherwood. Remov- al of TCA, smoke taint and now pyrizines. Petainer one way kegs and new Origine DIAM closures from G3. C: WINERY EQUIPMENT PALL CORP. Filtration. Separation. Solution. Port Washington, N.Y. P: (866) 905-7255 F: (516) 801-9591 W: E: What's New: In early 2018, Pall Food & Bever- age further extended it's long relationship with Scott Laboratories (U.S. and Canada) and granted them rights to distribute Oenoflow systems to the wine industry. New demo sys- tems are arriving this summer, so please reach out to your local Scott Labs representa- tive to schedule a trial of the Oenoflow HS system or the Oenoflow XL system. C: FACILITIES & CONSTRUCTION • WINERY EQUIPMENT • WINERY SUPPLIES PARAGON LABEL - RESOURCE LABEL GROUP Staying ahead through innovation. Petaluma, Calif. P: (800) 799-9599 F: (707) 765-8551 W: E: What's New: Out the Bottle allows any winery to participate in the exciting new technology called augmented reality. By using our Out the Bottle app, a consumer can capture the label on their smartphone and get a custom- er experience right off the label such as a video or animation. It also gives the consum- er access to selected winery web pages. C: PACKAGING PASCO POLY INC. Pioneers in plastic tanks for wine and automated refrigeration and fermentation. Weiser, Idaho P: (208) 549-1861 F: (208) 549-1141 W: E: What's New: KiLR-CHiLR's fifteen years of superior energy efficiency and temperature control has advanced with added insulation and simplified controls. The wine is now fully cocooned with top insulation added to KiLR-CHiLR's standard sidewall insulation for even better control. Digital controls are now standard on all KiLR-CHiLR's allowing you to see at a glance the current wine tem- perature and set point. Watch the heating or cooling progress with assurance that the temp is the same from top to bottom. C: WINERY EQUIPMENT PAUL MUELLER CO. Your wine processing equipment solutions provider. Let's grow from grape to great! Springfield, Mo. P: (800) 683-5537 F: (417) 575-9669 W: E: What's New: Complete delivery and installa- tion options at your vineyard. From fermen- tation to maturation, Mueller tanks are the winemaker's choice for efficient heat trans- fer, quality components and superior cleanability. With a new customer-centric, global website, we offer education of all your wine processing solutions online too. C: WINERY EQUIPMENT PETAINERKEG Taking beer, wine and cider to the four corners of the world. Modesto, Calif. P: (209) 531-9607 F: (209) 341-1929 W: E: What's New: Our new hybrid keg. Developed by you. Designed by us. C: PACKAGING PHOENIX PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL CORP. Our ability to supply your ideal package is limited only by your creativity. Lasalle, Q.C. P: (514) 487-6660 F: (514) 487-6661 W: E: What's New: Custom ceramic bottles, cus- tom glass bottles, laminated labels and pewter labels. C: PACKAGING PIRIH PRODUCTIONS We listen and deliver powerful graphics that help keep clients growing. Rimforest, Calif. P: (909) 336-4373 F: (909) 336-4371 W: E: What's New: Pirih Productions is all about building relationships with it's client, ex- ploring goals for the future as well as the company's successes in the past. We be- come part of the marketing team and strategizing campaigns to help accom- plish goals. The best part is, we do this

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