Wines & Vines

July 2018 Technology Issue

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July 2018 WINES&VINES 41 WINERY & VINEYARD EQUIPMENT The Wines & Vines Product Focus feature is not intended to provide a definitive listing of all available products in a particular segment or provide any comparative analysis, but rather serve as an overview of what's new or available and also of potential interest to readers as determined by the magazine's editorial staff. JACKSON WAREWASHING SYSTEMS The DishStar HT-E-Seer is a hot water sanitizing glasswasher that extracts steam from the cleaning chamber at the end of each rinse cycle, which is then used to increase rinse water temperature for subsequent cy- cles. This is an energy savings feature that also prevents bursts of steam being released when the washer door is opened. MIELE The Miele U 644-S plastic basket includes 16 compartments, 113 mm x 113 mm, with tilters that hold glasses at an angle to pre- vent water from pooling along the base of the stemware. BARMAID The GP-100 glass polisher by BarMaid features five spinning heads made of a soft microfiber twine material that simultane- ously polish inside and outside of glassware, absorbing moisture as they polish. An air blower sends a steady stream of warm air through the polishing heads for drying. The machine can pol- ish up to 350 glasses per hour. AUTO-CHLOR The U34, Auto-Chlor's most pop- ular model, is a chemical sani- tizer that can be adjusted for customers concerned about the taste impact of residual chlorine. The machine can be used with Auto-Chlor's Oxymize, a perace- tic acid sanitizer, to eliminate chlorine as well as an integrated fresh water post sanitizing rinse to remove residual chemicals. The wash compartment holds standard 20 x 20 dish racks and 13-inch tall ware.

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