Wines & Vines

February 2011 Barrel Issue

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WineEast produced. The authors, who collaborated for a 2007 book, From the Vine: Exploring Michigan Wineries (Ann Arbor Media Group, $34.95), then give a very readable account of the development of the industry from Prohibition to the present day, with Michigan now having 119 bonded and virtual wineries, according to WinesVinesDATA. Included in the history is the role Michigan played in the early 1960s in starting the Cold Duck boom that became a fad across the United States and Canada. A History of North Carolina Wines: From Scuppernong to Syrah by Alexia Jones Helsley starts with early explorers in the 1500s and 1600s and the myths and legends surround- ing the Mother Vine, also known as Sir Walter Raleigh's Vine. The story lived on when Paul Garrett created the best-selling wine in the United States (named Virginia Dare after the first English child born in North America). Much of the wine history of North Carolina centers around Scup- pernong and the Muscadines, which still dominate the industry in eastern North Carolina, but the vinifera and French hyrbrids have increased in importance in the Piedmont and western North Carolina. Currently the state has 120 bonded and virtual wineries, according to WinesVinesDATA. In 2010 the state ranked eighth in U.S. wine production. The Michigan book has 157 pages, and the North Carolina book has 126 pages. Each book sells for $19.99. Both of these histories are well written and carefully researched. Waterloo_Nov10.qxp 8/26/10 11:36 AM Page 1 ATTENTION SHIPPERS, GROWERS, & WINERIES M&M WINE GRAPE CO. The Sourcing & Transportation of Premium Wine Grapes is Our Specialty GRAPE SOURCING • by Variety • by Appellation • by Specification From premium grape growing areas including: Amador, Mendocino, Napa, Suisun Valley, Clements Hills, Lodi, Central Valley, WA State, Chile S.A. and others WINERY SUPPLY All Equipment & Supplies necessary for all phases of winemaking. Combine with your grape purchase and save $$$ TRANSPORTATION • logistical network operating daily from coast to coast • over 20 years experience in moving product from point A to point B When your crop is down, your demand increased, or you're just starting out... M&M Wine Grape Co. is your source for quality products including fresh grapes, juice, and bulk wine. M&M Wine Grape Co. 101 Reserve Road Hartford, CT 06114 (877) 812-1137 Member of: Wines & Vines FeBRUARY 2011 61

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