Wines & Vines

February 2011 Barrel Issue

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D A T A CENTER $20-plus Wine December Sales 20-plus Wine December Sales $10 $15 $20 $25 $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $0 $5 $20-plus Wine December Sales Domestic Versus Imported Table Wine Sales Volume Change % Average 750ml Price Change Domestic Versus Imported Table Wine Sales Volume Change % Dollar Change % 20072007 20082008 20092009 $20-plus domestic table wine sales, major U.S. food and drug stores. 007 2008 2009 omestic table wine sales, S. food and drug stores. for the four-week period ending Jan. 2, 2011, and the same 6% applied to the 52-week performance. Domestic table wines from each four-week sales period in 2010 W beat the same four-week period of 2009, according to check stand scan data from the Symphony IRI Group. Dollar sales for 52 weeks reached $4.4 billion as volume sales grew 4.8% to 66 million cases. The average price per 750ml rose 7 cents. The overall market for wine was not quite so robust, however. Imports muddled through 2010 with flat sales and shrinking prices per bottle. $20-plus wines grew 20% The highest priced domestic wines sold $149 million and grew at 20% in dollar sales over 52 weeks. This $20-plus segment enjoyed the highest growth rate of all other domestic categories except one: box wines at the equivalent of $3.50-$4.99 per 750ml. These grew at 24% from a relatively small base to $88 million in sales. The largest price segment of domestic wines, $5-$7.99, grew at 4%. Doug Goodwin, SIRI's VP of client insights for beer, wine and spirits, said sales growth of domestic wine accompanied higher prices. "We heard about price cuts, but for the 52 weeks overall prices were up. By the end of the year, the average 750ml bottle was 7 cents higher than a year ago. The deep discounting was in imports." Dollar and volume sales for imports were flat, while price per 750ml shrank 4 cents. Washington up 5%, Oregon 12% Washington wine sales grew at 5% but lost 2 cents in average price per 750ml. Oregon was in third place among states at the stores measured and increased its sales 12% in dollars, along with a notable price decline of 22 cents per bottle. California wine ac- counted for 70% of all sales of table wine. Among the major varietal categories in 750ml bottles, both domestic and imported, red blend/Meritage wines grew the fast- est over 52 weeks, at 18%. Fumé/Sauvignon Blanc was next in growth, at 12%, while Pinot Noir was third at 11%. The news re- Wines & Vines FeBRUARY 2011 13 2010 $20-plus domestic table wine sales, major U.S. food and drug stores. 20102010 -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% Domestic Table Wine $.07 up -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% $.07$.07 Domestic Versus Imported Table Wine Sales Dollar Change %Dollar Change % Volume Change % Average 750ml Price Change Average 750ml Price Change up up down $.04 Domestic Table Wine Domestic Table Wine down $.04 Imported Table Wine down $.04 Imported Table Wine 52-week table wine sales through Jan. 2 versus the previous year, at major U.S. food and drug stores. Domestic Wines Up 6% at Retail in 2010 52-week table wine sales through Jan. 2 versus the previous year, at major U.S. food and drug stores. ine sales at major food and drug stores ended 2010 on the same positive trajectory they had been following all year. Domestic table wines grew 6% in dollar sales over 2009 mained depressing for Syrah/Shiraz producers. These 750ml wines dropped 10% in dollar sales through 2010. Looking closer at the four-week period through Jan. 2, it was the best holiday period in four years for the $20-plus segment. —Jim Gordon Mel_Knox_Feb11.qxp 12/13/10 12:55 PM Page 1 52-week table wine sales through Jan. 2 versus the previous year, at major U.S. food and drug stores. Imported Table Wine $ Millions $ Millions

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