Wines & Vines

February 2011 Barrel Issue

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FEBRU AR Y NEWS New Use for Napa Grapes: Vodka N apa Valley, Calif.—A new tipple from Napa Valley uses the same raw materials as the region's world-famous wines. A local entrepreneur has introduced a varietal vintage-dated vodka made from Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc grapes. Most vodkas are made from inexpensive grains like wheat, or traditionally from potatoes, but the beverage can be made from anything that can be fermented, then distilled. Learn more: Search keyword "vodka." Arthur Hartu- nian, owner of Napa Valley Distillery, says Napa Vodka is distilled six times to 190 proof (95% alcohol) before being diluted with de-ionized and filtered spring water to 80 proof. It doesn't have the added flavoring agents of most vodkas, because Hartunian wants the varietal char- acter to peek through subtly. "Even after being distilled to that level, it still has the crisp, distinctive charac- ter of Sauvignon Blanc," he says. The vodka was made from 2008 grapes harvested from a single vine- yard in Napa Valley and fermented into wine, then distilled in a Ven- dome copper pot still at Stillwater Spirits in Petaluma, Calif. It takes nearly 20 tons of grapes to produce the 3,000 gallons of wine needed to make 300 gallons of high- proof spirits, which are then diluted to 500 gallons. The company paid up to $2,000 per ton for the grapes. The spirit was transported back to the company's facility in Napa, where the remaining resting period, filtra- tion, bottling and packaging was completed. Napa Vodka is filtered 10 times, first through activated bone charcoal and then through platinum- plated filters, removing minute impu- rities. This step takes more than two months to complete. Napa Vodka produced only 2,600 bottles, selling for $75 retail. The company suggests you drink it neat, slightly chilled or in a very dry martini—not compromised with strong flavored mixers. —Paul Franson 20 Wines & Vines FeBRUARY 201 1 Distillery makes varietal vodka from Sauvignon Blanc

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