Wines & Vines

May 2015 Packaging Inssue

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32 WINES&VINES May 2015 Vertical DE filter Criveller Group re- leased a new vertical diato- maceous earth (DE) fil- ter that it re- ports is more affordable and performs better than horizontal DE filters. The new filter has DE cake on both sides of the screens, making the filter smaller and more maneuverable. The sup- plier claims washing vertical filter elements is easier than with a hori- zontal filter, and discharging DE material is simpler because the exhausted cake is detached from the screens through vibration and can be recovered through a large opening at the bottom of the unit. Hanna releases 'edge' pH and DO meters The new HI2002 or "edge" pH/ORP meter and HI2004 DO meters by Hanna Instru- ments Inc. are both half an inch thick and weigh 9 ounces to allow them to be used as either portable or bench-top devices. The units also feature a 5.5-inch LCD display screen, capacitive touch keypad, dual USB ports, cradle with swiv- el arm electrode holder and wall mount. The digital electrodes also feature a 3.5mm connector. New bottles by Saverglass Saverglass released its new In- vent line of premium bottles that the supplier says is "defined by its avant-garde new punt design." According to Saverglass, "The bottle seems to el- oquently melt at its base, creating a curve and fold of lines that organically bloom into a distinct silhouette that instantly stands out in any envi- ronment as unique." The new bottles are available in 300mm tall Bordeaux and 296mm tall Burgundy shapes and weigh 500g. Both styles are of- fered in two colors: extra-white flint glass or antique green. G3 partners with Petainer kegs G3 Enterprises announced a part- nership with PET container manu- facturer Petainer to tap the fast- growing wine-on- tap segment. U.K.-based Pet- ainer produces recyclable PET containers and has developed a 20-liter wine keg designed for one-time use that will be sold through G3 to North American wineries. Once empty, the plastic kegs can be recycled, eliminating the need to ship, store and clean empty kegs., Internal embossing by SGP SGP Packaging is now offering glass wine bottles with emboss- ing on the interior surface. The new feature can be felt by some- one holding the bottle, or the surface of the bot- tle can remain smooth to the touch. In a similar fashion, the embossed interior can be just slightly visible, or be in- visible when the bottle is full and revealed as the wine is poured. The new feature is available as a stock option or can be customized. New oak stave-toast system Oak Solutions Group announced the launch of its Precision Fire Toast tank stave series, which the supplier claims "offers new fla- vors and exceptional accuracy for every stave." The new staves are toasted with a proprietary system that closely controls the thermo- dynamics of the fire toasting to ensure a "consistent and accu- rate" toast on all stave surfaces. During the toasting process, the staves are also rotated 360° to further ensure consistency. The company is offering the staves in two flavors to complement fruit- forward wines and two flavors to highlight the "richness" fire- toasted staves can contribute. Glycerol analysis kit by Randox Randox Food Diagnostics re- leased a new kit for the detection of glycerol in wine samples. Glyc- erol is a byproduct of fermenta- tion and can contribute to the "sweetness" of a wine at concen- trations higher than 5.2g per liter and affect the viscosity of a wine at 25.8g per liter and more. Redesigned Select Bio closure Nomacorc released a new, rede- signed Select Bio closure that it claims is nearly indistinguish- able from "bark" cork. The Select Bio is 100% recyclable and produced with Nomacorc's Plant- cork material, which is made with plant-based polymers that also make the closure carbon neutral, according to the manufacturer. Wood veneer labels Overnight Labels Inc. is now offer- ing birch and cherry wood veneer labels. According to the supplier, the two materials retain the feel and look of wood while also being smooth enough for printing and conversion. Veneer labels are ideal for short runs and are printed on flexographic and UV digital ink jet presses. Enhanced three-wheel lift by Yale Yale Materials Handling Corp. announced it is releasing the new ES- C030AD three- wheel standing lift with enhanced ergonomic features and a new mast designed to improve visibility for the operator. Job management tool by Lauterbach Label printer and packaging products supplier Lauterbach Group introduced a new "cutting-edge production cell," which is an in-house system to ensure its clients' labels get to market sooner. The production cell is combined with Lauter- bach's OmniMark Management System to add brand protection marks to labels. SeismaRack system for earthquake protection WorkSafe Technologies developed its SeismaRack system in the after- math of the August 2014 earth- quake south of Napa, Calif., to provide a safe and secure solution for storing and stacking wine bar- rels. The system employs the com- pany's patented "Ball-N-Cone" seismic isolators that work on the principle of "base isolation" to provide up to 24 inches of movement to dissipate seismic energy and leave the rest of the stack motion- less. As shaking starts, the isolator moves with the motion; as the shaking subsides, the frame rolls the rigid barrel rack structure back to its original location. The manufacturer has developed barrel racks that can be stacked up to six high and accommodate barrels of varying shapes and size. Racks rest on top of each other and not on barrels. The racks slide into frames that are supported by the "ISO- Base" platform with the Ball-N-Cone system. 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