W&V Directory & Buyer's Guide


Issue link: http://winesandvines.uberflip.com/i/953481

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2 0 1 8 2 019 BY USING THE WINES & VINES DIRECTORY/BUYER'S GUIDE, YOU AGREE TO NOT REPRODUCE, DUPLICATE, COPY, SELL OR RESELL FOR ANY PURPOSE. © 2019 Wines & Vines Directory 425 DIRECT SHIPPING REGULATIONS ANNUAL SHIPPING REORT ONSITE PROHIBITED ALLOWED ALLOWED PERMIT REQUIRED PERMIT REQUIRED OFFSITE PROHIBITED ALLOWED PERMIT REQUIRED PROHIBITED PERMIT REQUIRED DIRECT SHIPPING EXCEPTIONS Direct Shipping is prohibited in some areas for offsite and onsite sales. Communities in Alaska have the option of banning direct shipment and possession of alcohol. This schedule of Local Option Communities is updated reg- ularly by the Alaska Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Licensed wineries may ship puchases up to 1 case/quarter to private residences. Special state- issued labels must be affixed to the shipment. Consumer must be physically present at the winery to purchase orders. CARRIERS FedEx, UPS (restricted in certain areas) FedEx, UPS FedEx, UPS (onsite only) FedEx, UPS PERMIT REQUIREMENTS None A permit is required for both onsite and offsite sales. Wineries producing less than 20,000 gallons per year can sell with a 2W License for $200 per year. Larger winer- ies must get a 17W license for $225 per year. Renewals happen in February. $25/year, by July 1. Permit requirement satisfied for California winegrowers by the Class 02 Winegrowers renewal. Out-of-state shipper license cost is $10 per year. DISTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP None None None None BRAND/LABEL REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTT None None None None SOLICITATION GUIDELINES None None None None SALES TAX REQUIRED None 5.60% use tax applies to sales shipped by a permittee. Local sales taxes apply. 6.5% plus additional 3% liquor tax. Local sales taxes apply. 7.5%. Local sales taxes sometimes apply. EXCISE TAX REQUIRED None Yes (applies to licensed shippers) Yes Yes ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIRED None A shipping report, detailing order information, must be filed annualy by January 30. None None AGE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS No No No No NOTABLE CHANGES IN 2018 This directory does not contain and is not intended to deliver legal advice. Information is up to date as of October 1, 2018. For continuously updated information go to www.shipcompliant.com ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS C ALIFORNIA ALAB AMA

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