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April 2015 P R A C T I C A L W I N E R Y & V I N E YA R D 61 R E S E A R C H F O C U S of temperatures and pH levels, works at low concentrations and oxidizes quickly to fairly safe species (acetic acid and water), so residue is not a concern. In this situation, PAA was examined at two con- centrations —120 mg/L and 200 mg/L — and the higher concentration was found to be effective while the lower was not. PAA did not control Zygosaccharomyces as well as other sanitizers in the trial. Steam will inactivate/kill every wine spoilage organism, and it is (of course) just boiling water in the gas form. The challenge is to make sure that every part of the item to be sanitized gets hot enough for long enough (generally agreed to be around 180° F at 25 to 35 psi). In both five- and 10-minute treat- ments, steam was effective at eliminating all spoilage yeast, although low levels of non-spoilage yeasts were still detected. As a safeguard to prevent post-steaming contamination, covering or closing the bung hole is recommended, as is proper handling of barrels after cleaning and sanitizing. Chlorine dioxide (ClO 2 ) is an oxidizer that is related to but distinct from hypo- chlorite (bleach). It is known to be as effective as other chlorine-based clean- Table II. Rela ve strengths and weaknesses of sani zers Treatment Advantages Disadvantages Sulfur dioxide Effec ve against wine spoilage pH dependence on efficacy (effec ve at microorganisms lower pH, not as effec ve at higher pH) Very inexpensive Some yeast species are rela vely tolerant Peroxyace c acid Effec ve at low concentra ons, Corrosive with long contact mes kills spores Rela vely unstable Breaks down to nontoxic species Steam Effec ve against all juice and High energy input wine microorganisms Can damage/ degrade fi ngs, gaskets Nontoxic materials Ozone Effec ve against all Breaks down extremely rapidly/ microorganisms, decomposes inac vated easily biofilms at early stages of Can damage/degrade rubber fi ngs development gaskets, some metals Breaks down to nontoxic species Chlorine dioxide Effec ve in low concentra ons Byproducts are toxic Can be produced onsite Organic ma er binds the chlorine NOTE: All sani zers require proper protec ve equipment and/or adequate ven la on and must be used according to the manufacturer's specifica ons. Reference: Wirtanan & Salo 2005, R. Worobo, unpublished Steam treatment equipment used for the steam portion of the barrel study. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY – CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REP TODAY Take advantage of this risk-free offer to try our new TankJet 55A barrel cleaner in your winery. You'll experience benefts like these: • Powerful cleaning using low fow rates to prevent toast removal and reduce water and chemical use • Fast cycle times enable cleaning of multiple barrels in minutes • Durable construction and use of wear-resistant materials extend service life • Easy to use – compatible with most pumps and pressure washers Try the TankJet 55A today! Call 1.800.95.SPRAY or visit TankJet 55A barrel cleaner for cleaning barrels up to 5' (1.5 m) in dia. FREE T R I A L O F O U R N E W TANKJET ® 55A BARREL CLEANER SUPERIOR SPRAY. SERIOUS RESULTS.