W&V Directory & Buyer's Guide


Issue link: http://winesandvines.uberflip.com/i/1199982

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2 0 1 9 2 020 BY USING THE WINES & VINES DIRECTORY/BUYER'S GUIDE, YOU AGREE TO NOT REPRODUCE, DUPLICATE, COPY, SELL OR RESELL FOR ANY PURPOSE. © 2020 Wines & Vines Directory 441 DIRECT SHIPPING REGULATIONS ANNUAL SHIPPING REORT PERMIT REQUIRED PERMIT REQUIRED ALLOWED PROHIBITED PERMIT REQUIRED ONSITE PERMIT REQUIRED PERMIT REQUIRED ALLOWED PROHIBITED PERMIT REQUIRED OFFSITE Volume limit is 12 cases / individual / year, check for carrier availabillity. Wineries may ship up to 1,500 cases of combined offsite and onsite wine sales per year to all Michigan consumers. Individuals may receive up to 2 cases of combined offsite and onsite wine purchases per year. Individuals may receive up to 2 cases of combined offsite and onsite wine purchases per month. DIRECT SHIPPING EXCEPTIONS FedEx, UPS FedEx, UPS FedEx, UPS FedEx, UPS CARRIERS A permit is required for offsite and onsite sales. Cost is $300. Renew yearly at the cost of $150. A permit is required for offsite and onsite sales. Cost is $100. Renew yearly. None A permit is required for offsite and onsite sales. Cost is $0. Renew annually. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS None None None None DISTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP None Label registration required. Cost is $0. None None BRAND/LABEL REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS None Cannot solicit minors (email included). Shippers will use state service, at $.03 per email, to check email addresses against list of minors' email addresses. None No Interstate Shipping Advertisement SOLICITATION GUIDELINES No sales tax on wine. 6.00% None None SALES TAX REQUIRED Yes Yes None Yes EXCISE TAX REQUIRED None None None None ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIRED No Yes No No AGE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Minnesota does not inher- ently require DtC shippers to collect sales tax, but has adopted economic nexus rules, which may extend sales tax liability to many more DtC shippers NOTABLE CHANGES IN 2019 MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MASSACHUSETTS This directory does not contain and is not intended to deliver legal advice. Information is up to date as of October 1, 2019. For continuously updated information go to www.shipcompliant.com

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